A woman with “two vaginas” empowers herself through OnlyFans

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In 2011, Eve­lyn was diag­nosed with a rare con­di­tion known as uter­ine pro­lapse, which affects only 0.3% of the population. 

Her case was con­sid­ered “extreme” because she had two vagi­nas, two uterus­es, and two pairs of ovaries, each con­nect­ed to her own cervix.

Rather than let her diag­no­sis dis­cour­age Eve­lyn, she took it as an empow­er­ing opportunity.

In 2018, she and her hus­band Tom cre­at­ed an Only­Fans account and start­ed cre­at­ing con­tent. Their suc­cess peaked when Eve­lyn became preg­nant, after which the cou­ple start­ed a mar­ket­ing business.

Of her deci­sion to pur­sue sex work, Eve­lyn said, “I’ve always been inter­est­ed in sex work, and some­times oth­er men get involved. 

I don’t think I’ve been duped. I have two vagi­nas because peo­ple are very curi­ous and they real­ly like that I have two vaginas.

Aside from her per­son­al suc­cess, Eve­lyn is also using her own plat­form to raise aware­ness about her dysentery. 

She receives mes­sages from oth­er women bat­tling the dis­ease, some of whom are unable to have chil­dren. Eve­lyn is for­tu­nate to be able to use her own ill­ness to strength­en her­self and help others.

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