Eating 700 Eggs in a Month: The Surprising Health Impact

Eating 700 Eggs in a Month: The Surprising Health Impact
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The Egg Cholesterol Myth Challenged

For decades, experts have warned that the high cho­les­terol con­tent in egg yolks can raise an indi­vid­u­al’s risk of heart dis­ease. How­ev­er, recent research has sug­gest­ed this direct link may not be as clear-cut as pre­vi­ous­ly believed.

The Surprising Experiment and Results

To put this notion to the test, Nick Nor­witz, a doc­tor­al stu­dent at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty, decid­ed to eat 720 eggs over a 30-day peri­od. Con­trary to expec­ta­tions, his low-den­si­ty lipopro­tein (LDL), or “bad” cho­les­terol, lev­els actu­al­ly dropped by 18% dur­ing the experiment.

The Mechanism Behind the Cholesterol Decrease

Nor­witz posits that the body has a mech­a­nism to reg­u­late cho­les­terol lev­els, where the intake of dietary cho­les­terol prompts the release of a hor­mone called cholesin. This hor­mone then sig­nals the liv­er to pro­duce less LDL, help­ing main­tain healthy cho­les­terol levels.

The Role of Carbohydrate Intake

Addi­tion­al­ly, Nor­witz found that incor­po­rat­ing more car­bo­hy­drates into his diet, such as fruits and nut but­ters, fur­ther helped to reduce his cho­les­terol lev­els. This is because on a low-carb diet, the body tends to burn fat for ener­gy, which can ele­vate LDL levels.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

Nor­witz’s exper­i­ment chal­lenges the long-held belief that eggs are inher­ent­ly harm­ful to one’s health due to their cho­les­terol con­tent. By shed­ding light on the body’s com­plex cho­les­terol reg­u­la­tion process­es, this study pro­vides a more nuanced under­stand­ing of the rela­tion­ship between dietary cho­les­terol and blood cho­les­terol levels.

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