I happened to be married to my cousin, and yes, our children are fine

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I said that I did­n’t want to keep it in my fam­i­ly, but it’s here.

There is noth­ing stronger than the bond between a red-faced bride and groom. Of course, it’s a dif­fer­ent sto­ry if it’s a blood-relat­ed cousin.

This is the case of 30-year-old Celi­na Quinones of Den­ver, Col­orado, who was recent­ly found to be relat­ed to her hus­band, Joseph, of 17 years of marriage.

“She mar­ried her hus­band in 2006,” Quinones, her real estate agent and moth­er of three, wrote on her own Tik­Tok account.

She con­tin­ued, “With­out a sec­ond thought, she had three chil­dren.” “We were rel­a­tives and cousins before we knew it”

With over 2.7 mil­lion views from a rau­cous audi­ence, the chaot­ic clip is set to the sound of Dua Lipa and Calvin Har­ris’ 2018 hit “One Kiss” and is over­laid with a video meme of an out­raged YouTube dancer. increase.

Celi­na Quinones, a moth­er of three from Den­ver, Col­orado, has gone viral on Tik­Tok after reveal­ing she acci­den­tal­ly mar­ried her cousin.

In the video, a screen­shot of her hus­band and wife’s shared ances­try shows a match of 62cM (cen­ti­mole, the unit that mea­sures genet­ic relat­ed­ness), accord­ing to Quinones, shar­ing an ances­try eight gen­er­a­tions ago.

Kinones did not imme­di­ate­ly respond to the Post’s request for comment.

But pre­dictably, a wave of fear over the cou­ple’s DNA fail­ures surged through the com­ments sec­tion below his uncom­fort­able confession.

Quinones admit­ted that although she was not a direct cousin, she was “dev­as­tat­ed” when she found out that she and her hus­band were relatives.

“Girl, that’s dis­gust­ing,” cried one onlook­er disapprovingly.

“Broth­er, this could have been a secret,” quipped anoth­er, sug­gest­ing that Quinones might have been bet­ter off not putting her own uncon­ven­tion­al fam­i­ly ties on social media.

“I dropped my jaw.” One stunned view­er wrote, “I con­demn this.”

“You look the same, how come you did­n’t know?” asks another.

In a sub­se­quent post, Quinones claimed that in 2016, on her tenth year of mar­riage, she and Joseph sub­mit­ted their DNA to MyHeritage.com in hopes of reveal­ing a lit­tle-known fact about their ori­gins. I explained that I did.

In the com­ments sec­tion of Tik­Tok, Quinones said, “I look like her hus­band.“
Online, hun­dreds of social media users not­ed Quinones’ strong resem­blance to her cousin.

And when Web results proved their close­ness, the cou­ple were ini­tial­ly shocked.

“It was dev­as­tat­ing,” says Quinones, not­ing that they had already had off­spring when they were found. “I noticed

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