Single Mom Strong, But Lonely: Finding Your Tribe

Single Mom Strong, But Lonely: Finding Your Tribe
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#sin­gle­mom­life #strong­mom #find­y­our­tribe

Ever feel like you’re rock­ing sin­gle moth­er­hood, but still crave con­nec­tion? You’re not alone! Tons of strong mamas out there feel the same.

Sto­ry of a Super Sin­gle Mom: I went from solo adven­tur­er to sur­prise sin­gle mom when the father dipped. My amaz­ing fam­i­ly helped tons, but being alone became loneliness.

Inde­pen­dent? Yes. Lone­ly? Also Yes. I thrived alone pre-baby, but moth­er­hood exposed a new emo­tion­al need. My fam­i­ly was awe­some, but gro­cery shop­ping still felt
well, lonely.

Friends With Ben­e­fits (The Emo­tion­al Kind): My friends (all cou­pled up) were there for mom talk, but lone­li­ness? Not so much. I bot­tled it up, wor­ried about appear­ing weak.

The “D” Word Dilem­ma: Dat­ing apps? No luck. My daugh­ter’s with me 24/7, unlike some divorced moms. Would a part­ner even help, or just add drama?

Find­ing My Light: Instead of chas­ing a maybe-per­fect part­ner, I focus on what I can con­trol – slay­ing stu­dent loans, writ­ing that book, and rock­ing solo adven­tures with my mini-me.

The Take­away: You Are Enough! Being a sin­gle mom is a super­pow­er, but con­nec­tion is a human need. Here’s the truth: You are strong, capa­ble, and enough for your child every sin­gle day. But that does­n’t mean you can’t build your own tribe – online mom groups, local mee­tups, any­thing that sparks joy!

Remem­ber, mama, you’ve got this! And hey, maybe your “hap­pi­ly ever after” looks dif­fer­ent than you thought. #sin­gle­mom­life #strong­mom #find­y­our­tribe

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