Surgery-Addicted OnlyFans Model Locked Out of Account Due to Eyeball Tattoo

Surgery-Addicted OnlyFans Model Locked Out of Account Due to Eyeball Tattoo
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Only­Fans mod­el Mary Mag­da­lene, who is known for her exten­sive plas­tic surgery, recent­ly found her­self locked out of her account after get­ting her eye­ball tattooed. 

The 32-year-old mod­el, who says she’s made mil­lions from post­ing racy con­tent on the plat­form, told Dai­ly­Mail that the facial recog­ni­tion tech­nol­o­gy used by Only­Fans was unable to iden­ti­fy her after the procedure.

OnlyFans model Mary Magdalene showing tatooed eyeballs

Mag­dalene’s lat­est extreme body mod­i­fi­ca­tion left her fear­ing she would end up home­less, as she could­n’t access her account to with­draw her earnings. 

OnlyFans model Mary Magdalene showing boobs and lips

The mod­el, who pre­vi­ous­ly worked as a strip­per and escort, said her rent was due and she had no back­up plan if she could­n’t get back into her account.

OnlyFans model Mary Magdalene showing her flat tummy

Before her rise to inter­net fame, Mag­da­lene had a trou­bled past, rebelling at a young age and engag­ing in drug use and sex work. 

She has since spent an esti­mat­ed $200,000 on var­i­ous plas­tic surg­eries, includ­ing a brow lift, mul­ti­ple nose and breast jobs, lipo­suc­tion, and ille­gal butt injections.

OnlyFans model Mary Magdalene showing her massive boobs

Mag­dalene’s Only­Fans account has been a life­line for her, allow­ing her to leave her pre­vi­ous sex work behind. How­ev­er, her addic­tion to body mod­i­fi­ca­tion has now threat­ened to dis­rupt her pri­ma­ry source of income, high­light­ing the pre­car­i­ous nature of her reliance on the platform.

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