OnlyÂFans modÂel Mary MagÂdaÂlene, who is known for her extenÂsive plasÂtic surgery, recentÂly found herÂself locked out of her account after getÂting her eyeÂball tattooed.
The 32-year-old modÂel, who says sheâs made milÂlions from postÂing racy conÂtent on the platÂform, told DaiÂlyÂMail that the facial recogÂniÂtion techÂnolÂoÂgy used by OnlyÂFans was unable to idenÂtiÂfy her after the procedure.
MagÂdaleneâs latÂest extreme body modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion left her fearÂing she would end up homeÂless, as she couldÂnât access her account to withÂdraw her earnings.
The modÂel, who preÂviÂousÂly worked as a stripÂper and escort, said her rent was due and she had no backÂup plan if she couldÂnât get back into her account.
Before her rise to interÂnet fame, MagÂdaÂlene had a trouÂbled past, rebelling at a young age and engagÂing in drug use and sex work.
She has since spent an estiÂmatÂed $200,000 on varÂiÂous plasÂtic surgÂeries, includÂing a brow lift, mulÂtiÂple nose and breast jobs, lipoÂsucÂtion, and illeÂgal butt injections.
MagÂdaleneâs OnlyÂFans account has been a lifeÂline for her, allowÂing her to leave her preÂviÂous sex work behind. HowÂevÂer, her addicÂtion to body modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion has now threatÂened to disÂrupt her priÂmaÂry source of income, highÂlightÂing the preÂcarÂiÂous nature of her reliance on the platform.
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