LoveÂbirds AshanÂti and NelÂly are offiÂcialÂly husÂband and wife! After datÂing on and off for over a decade, the couÂple reportÂedÂly exchanged vows in a secret cerÂeÂmoÂny held in NelÂlyâs homeÂtown, St. Louis CounÂty, MisÂsouri, in DecemÂber 2023.
The news comes alongÂside the excitÂing announceÂment that the singers are expectÂing their first child together!
A RekinÂdled Flame:
AshanÂti, 43, and NelÂly, 49, were preÂviÂousÂly romanÂtiÂcalÂly involved from 2003 to 2013. They reconÂnectÂed in 2021 at a Verzuz batÂtle, and their love stoÂry blosÂsomed once more.
HapÂpiÂly Ever After:
AshanÂti recentÂly shared the heartÂwarmÂing details of NelÂlyâs surÂprise proÂposÂal, which hapÂpened durÂing a casuÂal evening at home. They are now focused on preparÂing for parÂentÂhood and enjoyÂing this new chapÂter in their lives together.
Stronger TogethÂer:
Both artists expressed how their comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and underÂstandÂing have grown sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly since their earÂliÂer relaÂtionÂship. They are excitÂed to embark on this jourÂney as husÂband, wife, and parents!
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