Ashanti and Nelly Secretly Marry, Expecting First Child Together!

Ashanti and Nelly Secretly Marry, Expecting First Child Together!
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Love­birds Ashan­ti and Nel­ly are offi­cial­ly hus­band and wife! After dat­ing on and off for over a decade, the cou­ple report­ed­ly exchanged vows in a secret cer­e­mo­ny held in Nel­ly’s home­town, St. Louis Coun­ty, Mis­souri, in Decem­ber 2023.

The news comes along­side the excit­ing announce­ment that the singers are expect­ing their first child together!

A Rekin­dled Flame:

Ashan­ti, 43, and Nel­ly, 49, were pre­vi­ous­ly roman­ti­cal­ly involved from 2003 to 2013. They recon­nect­ed in 2021 at a Verzuz bat­tle, and their love sto­ry blos­somed once more.

Hap­pi­ly Ever After:

Ashan­ti recent­ly shared the heart­warm­ing details of Nel­ly’s sur­prise pro­pos­al, which hap­pened dur­ing a casu­al evening at home. They are now focused on prepar­ing for par­ent­hood and enjoy­ing this new chap­ter in their lives together.

Stronger Togeth­er:

Both artists expressed how their com­mu­ni­ca­tion and under­stand­ing have grown sig­nif­i­cant­ly since their ear­li­er rela­tion­ship. They are excit­ed to embark on this jour­ney as hus­band, wife, and parents!

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