Bianca Censori Covers Up for Kanye West’s Tokyo Airport Appearance

Bianca Censori Covers Up for Kanye West's Tokyo Airport Appearance
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Bianca Censori Opts for More Modest Attire with Kanye West

Kanye West was joined by his wife Bian­ca Cen­sori as he pre­pared to trav­el from Tokyo to Bei­jing for his lat­est “Vul­tures” album lis­ten­ing party. 

Notably, Cen­sori opt­ed for a more mod­est look com­pared to her past con­tro­ver­sial fash­ion choic­es, wear­ing a cream top and match­ing cycling shorts instead of her typ­i­cal see-through or bare­ly-there outfits.

Censori’s Past Revealing Outfits Criticized

Cen­sori has often drawn crit­i­cism for her pref­er­ence for reveal­ing and uncon­ven­tion­al cloth­ing, which has includ­ed see-through attire and out­fits with lit­tle to no coverage. 

Her fash­ion choic­es have even report­ed­ly con­cerned Kanye’s ex-wife, Kim Kar­dashi­an, who asked him to ensure Cen­sori is “cov­ered up” around their children.

Censori Joins Kanye for Vultures Listening Party

The cou­ple was spot­ted at Tokyo Inter­na­tion­al Air­port, where Cen­sori idled in a queue with fel­low trav­el­ers as she pre­pared to fly to Bei­jing along­side Kanye and his friend Ben Priest.

The Vul­tures lis­ten­ing par­ty, which is the sec­ond in a three-album series from Kanye and Ty Dol­la Sign, is sched­uled to take place on Sep­tem­ber 15th.

Kanye’s Ongoing Disputes with Adidas

Kanye’s lat­est pub­lic appear­ance comes after he took a swipe at Adi­das, the man­u­fac­tur­er of his Yeezy footwear line, dur­ing a recent Vul­tures 2 show in South Korea.

The rap­per has had a con­tentious rela­tion­ship with the Ger­man sports­wear giant, which ter­mi­nat­ed their part­ner­ship fol­low­ing a series of con­tro­ver­sial episodes, includ­ing Kanye’s deci­sion to wear a “White Lives Mat­ter” top at Paris Fash­ion Week in 2022.

The Contrast in Censori’s Airport Attire

Bian­ca Cen­sori’s choice to wear a more con­ven­tion­al out­fit for the air­port trip stands in stark con­trast to her past fash­ion state­ments, which have often been the sub­ject of dis­cus­sion and criticism.

This shift in her style sug­gests a poten­tial effort to present a more under­stat­ed pub­lic image, at least for this par­tic­u­lar occasion.

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