Bianca Censori’s Drastic Weight Loss Amid Kanye West Marriage Concerns

Bianca Censori's Drastic Weight Loss Amid Kanye West Marriage Concerns
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Bian­ca Cen­sori, the 29-year-old Mel­bourne archi­tect who recent­ly mar­ried Kanye West, appears to have under­gone a sig­nif­i­cant weight loss trans­for­ma­tion dur­ing their very pub­lic marriage.

Cen­sori has been spot­ted out and about in Paris with the 47-year-old rap­per, show­cas­ing a much slim­mer frame com­pared to her pre­vi­ous appearances. 

The Aus­tralian archi­tect-turned-Kanye West­’s wife and muse has been seen wear­ing increas­ing­ly risquĂ© out­fits, some­times for­go­ing tops alto­geth­er and opt­ing for bare­ly-there ban­dage-like sus­penders that only cov­er her nipples.

Bianca Censori coming out of car

Pri­or to her rela­tion­ship with Kanye, Cen­sori was known for dress­ing in more form-fit­ting ath­leisure wear, includ­ing a trendy black skintight jump­suit that accen­tu­at­ed her cur­va­ceous fig­ure. How­ev­er, her recent looks have raised con­cerns among fans and even her own fam­i­ly members.

Bianca Before marriage with Kanye West

Fans React to Censori’s Dramatic Weight Loss

Fans have been quick to com­ment on Cen­sori’s dra­mat­ic weight loss, with some express­ing con­cerns that Kanye may be influ­enc­ing her fash­ion and appear­ance choic­es, sim­i­lar to how he heav­i­ly influ­enced ex-wife Kim Kar­dashi­an’s style dur­ing their tumul­tuous marriage.

One fan wrote, “She has lost weight, her curves are dimin­ish­ing and the heavy breast tis­sue is now droop­ing. Mus­cle loss as well.” Anoth­er agreed, adding, “Same exact sit­u­a­tion hap­pened when he dat­ed Julia Fox. Weird crazy out­fits, dra­mat­ic weight loss, Kanye is insane.”

Kanye’s Influence on His Partners’ Appearances

Dur­ing Kanye and Kim Kar­dashi­an’s mar­riage, Kim revealed that Kanye would often dic­tate her fash­ion choic­es, telling her when out­fits were too reveal­ing. One source said, “Kanye did the same thing he is doing with Bian­ca to Kim through­out their mar­riage. The dif­fer­ence is that when Kanye dressed Kim, he was respect­ed as a per­son — as an artist.”

Kim’s divorce attor­ney, Lau­ra Wass­er, rep­re­sent­ed her in the divorce pro­ceed­ings, which were final­ized in Novem­ber 2022. Kim and Kanye’s divorce came after she filed for divorce in Feb­ru­ary 2021, just before what would have been their sev­enth wed­ding anniversary.

Bianca’s Parents ‘Mortified’ by Her Revealing Outfits

Cen­sori’s par­ents are report­ed­ly “mor­ti­fied” by their daugh­ter’s increas­ing­ly racy out­fits, with one source stat­ing that her looks are “dis­gust­ing and set­ting a bad exam­ple,” and that she may even be “poten­tial­ly break­ing the law” with some of her reveal­ing ensembles.

The source added, “Mean­while, Kanye is cov­ered up with five lay­ers of clothes and when his wife looked chilly while naked and wrapped in plas­tic he did­n’t so much as offer her one of his capes.”

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