Blink-182 Postpones European Tour as Drummer Travis Barker Returns Home for Family Matter

Blink-182 Postpones European Tour as Drummer Travis Barker Returns Home for Family Matter_Travis Baker posing during an event
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Rock band Blink-182 has announced the post­pone­ment of upcom­ing Euro­pean tour dates after drum­mer Travis Bark­er had to unex­pect­ed­ly trav­el back to the US for a pri­vate fam­i­ly issue.

In a sto­ry shared on Insta­gram, the group revealed the Glas­gow, Belfast and Dublin con­certs would be resched­uled as more infor­ma­tion becomes avail­able regard­ing Bark­er’s sit­u­a­tion and return. Details of what prompt­ed his rush home were not disclosed.

Hours pri­or, Bark­er had post­ed reli­gious­ly-themed pho­tos from a prayer room, fuel­ing fan spec­u­la­tion. The tim­ing comes as the 47-year-old and wife Kourt­ney Kar­dashi­an recent­ly revealed they are expect­ing their first child together.

The preg­nan­cy announce­ment was incor­po­rat­ed into the band’s show last month when Kar­dashi­an held up a now-icon­ic sign ref­er­enc­ing their 1999 music video. Weeks lat­er, the hap­py cou­ple cel­e­brat­ed with a tour-themed baby bash.

Bark­er shares three chil­dren from a pre­vi­ous mar­riage, while Kar­dashi­an has three kids of her own. As they pre­pare to expand their blend­ed fam­i­ly, Bark­er’s sit­u­a­tion under­scores the pri­or­i­ty of address­ing pri­vate fam­i­ly mat­ters out­side the spotlight.

Fans wish the drum­mer and his loved ones the very best in resolv­ing what prompt­ed his cross-coun­try dash home from tour. Blink-182 hopes to resched­ule the post­poned per­for­mances once Bark­er is able to rejoin his band­mates in Europe.

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