Celine Dion Condemns Trump for Unauthorized Use of Her Song at Montana Rally

Celine Dion Condemns Trump for Unauthorized Use of Her Song at Montana Rally
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Celine Dion Blasts Trump’s Use of Her Song

Celine Dion has strong­ly con­demned Don­ald Trump for using her icon­ic “My Heart Will Go On” song at a cam­paign ral­ly in Boze­man, Mon­tana, with­out her permission.

The epic bal­lad, which is famous­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the doomed Titan­ic film, was played over the speak­ers just before Trump took the stage on Friday. 

Dion prompt­ly issued a state­ment, along with her record label Sony, mak­ing it clear that the use of “video, record­ing, musi­cal per­for­mance, and like­ness of Celine Dion” was not authorized.

Dion Mocks Trump’s Choice of Song

Dion did­n’t hold back, mock­ing Trump’s choice of song, say­ing, “
And real­ly, THAT song?” 

The singer, who has per­formed at major events like the Olympic Games open­ing cer­e­mo­ny, clear­ly saw the irony in using a song about a sink­ing ship to hype up a polit­i­cal campaign.

Many on social media also drew par­al­lels between the Titan­ic theme and the per­ceived sink­ing momen­tum of Trump’s cam­paign, with some sug­gest­ing there could be a “pro-Kamala Har­ris” mole work­ing to under­mine the for­mer pres­i­den­t’s re-elec­tion bid.

Tough Day for Trump Campaign

Dion’s state­ment came amid a dif­fi­cult day for the Trump cam­paign. A new poll showed Har­ris lead­ing Trump in sev­er­al key bat­tle­ground states, and the cam­paign also revealed it had been hacked, with claims of leaked doc­u­ments about JD Vance and court cases.

The unau­tho­rized use of Dion’s song is just the lat­est in a string of con­tro­ver­sies the Trump cam­paign has faced in recent weeks, fur­ther com­pli­cat­ing the for­mer pres­i­den­t’s path to victory.

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