Diddy’s Lawyer Offers Bizarre Explanation for Massive Stash of Baby Oil

Diddy's Lawyer Offers Bizarre Explanation for Massive Stash of Baby Oil
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Allegations of Illicit Activities

Did­dy has been charged with sex traf­fick­ing, rack­e­teer­ing, and trans­porta­tion to engage in pros­ti­tu­tion. Fed­er­al agents report­ed­ly seized over 1,000 bot­tles of baby oil and lubri­cant dur­ing raids on the rap­per’s homes, claim­ing they were linked to his alleged crim­i­nal activities.

Lawyer’s Questionable Explanation

Did­dy’s lawyer, Marc Agnifi­lo, has pro­vid­ed a bizarre expla­na­tion for the large quan­ti­ty of baby oil, stat­ing that the rap­per like­ly bought it in bulk from a store like Cost­co, as many Amer­i­cans do. Agnifi­lo dis­missed the ini­tial esti­mate of 1,000 bot­tles, claim­ing it was sim­ply “a lot” of product.

Downplaying the Allegations

Agnifi­lo attempt­ed to nor­mal­ize the pres­ence of the baby oil, sug­gest­ing that “con­sen­su­al adults” engag­ing in sex­u­al activ­i­ties is not inher­ent­ly prob­lem­at­ic. He argued that the coun­try should not be “so puri­tan­i­cal” about sex.

The Troubling Implications

The lawyer’s expla­na­tion rais­es more ques­tions than it answers, as the sheer vol­ume of baby oil and lubri­cant seized appears to con­tra­dict the notion of sim­ply buy­ing in bulk for per­son­al use.

The alle­ga­tions against Did­dy sug­gest a pat­tern of coer­cion and abuse, which the lawyer’s dis­mis­sive response fails to ade­quate­ly address.

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