Disturbing Video Resurfaces of Alleged Diddy Sex Slave Claims by Ex-Porn Star

Disturbing Video Resurfaces of Alleged Diddy Sex Slave Claims by Ex-Porn Star
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Disturbing Allegations Against Diddy

A video from 2018 has resur­faced, show­ing ex-porn star Jonathan Oddi telling police that he was Sean “Did­dy” Combs’ alleged sex slave. 

This dis­turb­ing footage has come to light just days after Combs plead­ed not guilty to fed­er­al sex traf­fick­ing and rack­e­teer­ing charges.

Oddi’s Explosive Claims

In the inter­ro­ga­tion video, Oddi can be heard claim­ing that he “had sex with Cassie and Sean” and that Combs “would mas­tur­bate and tell me what to do to Cassie.” Oddi went on to allege that he “was like a sex slave” for Combs and his ex-girl­friend Cassie Ventura.

Combs’ Indictment Allegations

The resur­faced video bears a strik­ing resem­blance to the alle­ga­tions made in Combs’ recent fed­er­al indictment. 

Pros­e­cu­tors have accused the rap mogul of run­ning a “sor­did crim­i­nal empire” where he threat­ened women and forced them to par­tic­i­pate in drug-fueled sex shows with male sex workers.

Ventura’s Lawsuit

Odd­i’s claims also echo the alle­ga­tions made by Combs’ for­mer pro­tégé, Cassie Ven­tu­ra, in a fed­er­al law­suit she filed against him last Novem­ber. In the law­suit, Ven­tu­ra accused Combs of a years-long pat­tern of domes­tic and sex­u­al violence.

Oddi’s Unrelated Arrest

Odd­i’s bizarre claims about Combs were made dur­ing an inter­ro­ga­tion relat­ed to his own arrest in 2018. Oddi was tak­en into cus­tody for alleged­ly storm­ing into one of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s golf cours­es in Flori­da and exchang­ing gun­fire with police.

Combs Remains in Jail

As Combs con­tin­ues to be held with­out bail in a New York jail, pend­ing his tri­al on the sex traf­fick­ing charges, this resur­faced video of Odd­i’s claims only adds to the mount­ing evi­dence against the dis­graced rap mogul.

This dis­turb­ing footage pro­vides fur­ther insight into the dark alle­ga­tions sur­round­ing Sean “Did­dy” Combs, as he faces the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a lengthy prison sen­tence for his alleged crimes.

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