FKA Twigs Sizzles in Sheer Shorts at Dinner with Julia Fox in NYC

FKA Twigs Sizzles in Sheer Shorts at Dinner with Julia Fox in NYC
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Fashionable Duo

FKA Twigs, the 36-year-old British singer, turned heads as she stepped out in Man­hat­tan’s East Vil­lage neigh­bor­hood on Mon­day night, flash­ing her panties beneath sheer shorts while head­ing to din­ner with actress Julia Fox.

787898989890 FKA Twigs Sizzles in Sheer Shorts at Dinner with Julia Fox in NYC

The Gram­my-nom­i­nat­ed artist, who relies on styl­ist Yaz Exall, donned a strap­less brown leather busti­er and match­ing thigh-high, heel-less boots, which gave her diminu­tive 5ft2in frame a sul­try boost.

FKA Twigs in a revealing outfit

Accessorizing in Style

FDHJDFF7IR79 FKA Twigs Sizzles in Sheer Shorts at Dinner with Julia Fox in NYC

FKA twigs (born Tahli­ah Debrett Bar­nett) was tot­ing a hairy clutch, like­ly designed by the fash­ion-for­ward Char­lie Le Min­du. Her elab­o­rate make­up, from her head to her nose, was applied by SFX pros­thet­ics queen Til­da Mace, while her waist-length dread­locks were coiffed by hair­styl­ist Louis Souvestre.

The pole-danc­ing songstress is set to appear on Wednes­day’s episode of ABC’s GMA3: What You Need To Know to pro­mote her new movie, “The Crow,” in which she por­trays the doomed fiancée of Eric Draven (Bill Skarsgård).

Co-Star Sighting


Mean­while, Julia Fox, who relies on styl­ist Bri­ana Andalore, opt­ed for a more low-key look, wear­ing a bag­gy black “Aquar­ius” dress with white bal­let flats and a snug snood cov­er­ing her plat­inum-blonde locks.

The 34-year-old OMG Fashun pro­duc­er-judge was joined by her BFF since age 15, pho­tog­ra­ph­er-mod­el Richie Shaz­am, with whom she shares a $2.9M sev­en-bed­room Harlem brown­stone and co-par­ents her three-year-old son Valentino.

Upcoming Projects

On Mon­day, Dead­line report­ed that Julia signed on to star as “a mys­te­ri­ous and dan­ger­ous woman” in William Scoular’s indie road trip com­e­dy “North­bound” along­side Bruce Dern, Hunter Par­rish, and Joan­na Cas­sidy. Audi­ences can also catch her as a chip­per real estate agent called Cece in Steven Soder­bergh’s psy­cho­log­i­cal thriller “Pres­ence,” set to hit US the­aters in Jan­u­ary 2025.

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