Former Porn Star Files Police Report After $50 Billion Civil Suit Against Diddy
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Adria English Accuses Diddy of Sex Trafficking

A for­mer porn star, Adria Eng­lish, has filed a crim­i­nal com­plaint against Did­dy (Sean Combs) after launch­ing a $50 bil­lion civ­il suit against him last month. 

Eng­lish, whose stage name was Omu­nique, claims that Did­dy “groomed” her into sex traf­fick­ing and forced her to have sex with par­ty guests, threat­en­ing to black­mail her if she did not comply.

The $50 Billion Civil Lawsuit

In the fed­er­al law­suit obtained by last month, Eng­lish alleges that Did­dy traf­ficked her to have sex with par­ty guests and threat­ened to black­list her and her boyfriend from the indus­try if they did not obey his demands.

The law­suit also names Did­dy’s enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny, Bad Boy, and two oth­er indi­vid­u­als, Jacob Arabov (also known as “Jacob the Jew­el­er”) and Tamiko Thomas, as defendants.

Filing the Criminal Complaint

Accord­ing to TMZ, Eng­lish spoke with the Mia­mi Beach Police Depart­ment last week and reit­er­at­ed many of the same alle­ga­tions against Diddy. 

While the police depart­ment has stat­ed that there is “not enough evi­dence” to inves­ti­gate human traf­fick­ing or any oth­er crime, the report will now be shared with fed­er­al author­i­ties con­duct­ing “par­al­lel investigations.”

Diddy’s Response

Did­dy’s attor­ney, Jonathan Davis, has main­tained that the alle­ga­tions are false, stat­ing, “No mat­ter how many law­suits are filed, it won’t change the fact that Mr. Combs has nev­er sex­u­al­ly assault­ed or sex traf­ficked anyone.” 

The defense attor­ney added, “For­tu­nate­ly, a fair and impar­tial judi­cial process exists to find the truth, and Mr. Combs is con­fi­dent he will pre­vail against these and oth­er base­less claims in court.”

This is not the first time Did­dy has faced legal trou­bles and sex­u­al assault law­suits. In Feb­ru­ary, anoth­er law­suit was filed alleg­ing that he coerced a music pro­duc­er to solic­it pros­ti­tutes and pres­sured him to have sex with them. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, a woman claimed that Did­dy raped her two decades ago when she was 17 years old, though Combs and his attor­neys have denied all of these allegations.

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