Graceland Auction Fraud: FBI Probes Alleged Forgery Attempt

Graceland Auction Fraud: FBI Probes Alleged Forgery Attempt
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Elvis Pres­ley’s Grace­land estate, recent­ly vot­ed Amer­i­ca’s most pop­u­lar muse­um, is embroiled in an auc­tion fraud scan­dal. The Fed­er­al Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion (FBI) is report­ed­ly look­ing into the mat­ter after a com­pa­ny called Naus­sany Invest­ments and Pri­vate Lend­ing LLC attempt­ed to auc­tion Graceland.

Riley Keough, Lisa Marie Pres­ley’s daugh­ter and heir to the estate, filed a law­suit against Naus­sany Invest­ments. The law­suit alleges the com­pa­ny’s own­er­ship doc­u­ments and Lisa Marie Pres­ley’s sig­na­ture were forged. Keough fur­ther claims Naus­sany Invest­ments is a “false enti­ty” cre­at­ed to defraud the Pres­ley family.

A Mem­phis judge halt­ed the auc­tion due to forgery con­cerns and ruled Grace­land remains with the Pres­leys. The judge’s deci­sion left Keough “trau­ma­tized” accord­ing to a source, who said she “nev­er thought” Grace­land would be tar­get­ed by fraudsters.

Naus­sany Invest­ments must now defend its claims in court while the FBI and Ten­nessee Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ue their investigation.

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