Jennifer Lopez Files for Divorce from Ben Affleck on Second Wedding Anniversary

Jennifer Lopez Files for Divorce from Ben Affleck on Second Wedding Anniversary
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A Shocking Split on Their Anniversary

Accord­ing to legal doc­u­ments obtained by Dai­ly­Mail, Jen­nifer Lopez filed the divorce peti­tion her­self, list­ing April 26, 2024, as the sep­a­ra­tion date. 

The cou­ple’s rekin­dled romance and sub­se­quent mar­riage had cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences world­wide. How­ev­er, it appears the pres­sures of being a high-pro­file cou­ple ulti­mate­ly took a toll.

No Prenup Means Complexities

The absence of a prenup sig­nif­i­cant­ly com­pli­cates things. Jen­nifer and Ben’s indi­vid­ual earn­ings from the past two years, includ­ing film projects and brand endorse­ments, are now con­sid­ered com­mu­ni­ty property.

This paves the way for a poten­tial­ly messy legal bat­tle over their com­bined net worth, esti­mat­ed at a stag­ger­ing $640 million.

Unraveling the Marriage: Fallout and Aftermath

Sources close to the for­mer cou­ple reveal months of tense set­tle­ment dis­cus­sions, with peri­ods of com­plete radio silence between Jen­nifer and Ben. 

The split has report­ed­ly left Jen­nifer feel­ing “humil­i­at­ed” and “furi­ous” with Ben, with their chil­dren also impact­ed by the situation.

As the divorce pro­ceed­ings unfold, the pub­lic awaits the res­o­lu­tion of this high-pro­file Hol­ly­wood dra­ma that has once again tak­en cen­ter stage in the enter­tain­ment world.

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3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Divorce Drama: Jennifer Lopez's Friends Slam Her 'Antics' As Ben Affleck Deploys 'Clever Tactic' - Scandalsmag
  2. Bennifer's Breakup: Hollywood's Power Couple Splits Amid Career Pressures - Scandalsmag
  3. Jennifer Lopez Flaunts Fierce Physique In Risqué Post-Divorce Swimsuit Selfie - Scandalsmag

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