Jennifer Lopez on ‘High Alert’ as Ex Diddy Faces New Criminal Charges

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Lopez Bracing for Past Scandal to Resurface

Jen­nifer Lopez’s man­age­ment team is on “high alert” and hold­ing cri­sis talks to pre­pare a plan should the star get dragged into the ongo­ing crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions into her ex Sean ‘Did­dy’ Combs.

They are weigh­ing whether Lopez should break her silence on her 1999 arrest with Combs over a shoot­ing incident.

Shooting Incident from 1999

In 1999, Lopez was arrest­ed along with Combs and his body­guard after a shoot­ing at a New York night­club. While Lopez was quick­ly cleared, Combs and his body­guard were charged. One of the vic­tims, Nata­nia Reuben, has main­tained that Combs was the one who pulled the trigger.

Fears of Past Case Being Reopened

With Combs now fac­ing fed­er­al charges includ­ing sex traf­fick­ing, there are con­cerns the old shoot­ing case could be reopened. Lopez’s team is wor­ried she could get “blind­sided” and be forced to address an inci­dent she has tried to put behind her for 25 years.

Lopez’s Mother’s Disapproval of Relationship

An insid­er also revealed that Lopez’s moth­er, Guadalupe Rodriguez, had always opposed her daugh­ter’s rela­tion­ship with Combs. This adds to the fam­i­ly’s con­cerns over the resur­fac­ing of the past scandal.

Crisis Management Efforts

Lopez’s team is work­ing to ensure she is not caught off guard should she be dragged into Combs’ legal trou­bles. They are inves­ti­gat­ing the past case and prepar­ing a response in case the shoot­ing inci­dent becomes a focus again.

Lasting Trauma for Lopez

A source close to Lopez said the entire sit­u­a­tion with Combs is “old wounds” that she has tried to for­get. The team fears a renewed focus on the shoot­ing could be deeply trau­mat­ic for the singer and actress.

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