Jennifer Lopez Prioritizes Family, Cancels Summer Tour “This Is Me… Live”

Jennifer Lopez Prioritizes Family, Cancels Summer Tour "This Is Me… Live"
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Fans of Jen­nifer Lopez will have to wait to see her live as the singer has made the dif­fi­cult deci­sion to can­cel her upcom­ing sum­mer tour, “This Is Me… Live.” The 54-year-old enter­tain­er, who recent­ly cel­e­brat­ed her engage­ment to Ben Affleck, is pri­or­i­tiz­ing spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and close friends.

Live Nation con­firmed the tour’s can­cel­la­tion, orig­i­nal­ly planned to kick off in July. Reports indi­cate strong tick­et sales in many cities, despite rumors sug­gest­ing otherwise.

A source close to Lopez revealed she is “com­plete­ly heart­sick” about let­ting down her fans but feels it’s nec­es­sary to focus on her per­son­al life at this time. 

This aligns with recent inter­views where Lopez expressed a desire for more fam­i­ly time and host­ing gath­er­ings with loved ones.

While the can­ce­la­tion is dis­ap­point­ing, Lopez has promised to make it up to her fans in the future. Tick­et­mas­ter will auto­mat­i­cal­ly process refunds for those who pur­chased tick­ets through their plat­form. For third-par­ty pur­chas­es, fans should con­tact their orig­i­nal point of pur­chase for fur­ther information.

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