Jennifer Lopez’s Las Vegas Residency in Doubt After Album and Tour Flop

Jennifer Lopez's Las Vegas Residency in Doubt After Album and Tour Flop
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Las Vegas Residency Deal in Limbo for Jennifer Lopez

In a sur­pris­ing turn of events, Jen­nifer Lopez’s rumored $90 mil­lion Las Vegas res­i­den­cy deal seems to be on shaky ground, accord­ing to insiders.

The mul­ti-tal­ent­ed enter­tain­er, recent­ly in the news for her mar­riage to Ben Affleck, was report­ed­ly in final nego­ti­a­tions with MGM Grand for a lucra­tive res­i­den­cy with a stag­ger­ing pay­out of $1 mil­lion per show for 90 dates start­ing next year. 

How­ev­er, the casi­no exec­u­tives are grow­ing increas­ing­ly wary due to the under­whelm­ing per­for­mance of Lopez’s lat­est album, “This is Me…Now,” and her upcom­ing con­cert tour.

Lopez’s Latest Album and Tour Struggles

Sources reveal that “This is Me…Now” is the low­est-sell­ing album of Lopez’s career. Tick­et sales for her first tour in five years have also been dis­ap­point­ing, forc­ing the can­cel­la­tion of sev­er­al shows this summer. 

MGM, close­ly mon­i­tor­ing the tour’s strug­gles, is now hes­i­tant about com­mit­ting to such a sig­nif­i­cant finan­cial investment.

“MGM is clear­ly wor­ried,” a source told The Post. “It’s uncom­mon for an artist to have a strug­gling tour and then land a Vegas residency.”

Residency Deal Restructured?

Instead of the ini­tial­ly dis­cussed $90 mil­lion, Lopez might now be look­ing at a con­sid­er­ably reduced res­i­den­cy con­tract. Indus­try insid­ers sug­gest a more real­is­tic fig­ure in the range of $600,000 to $650,000 per show for a short­er engagement.

This shift in MGM’s stance high­lights the ever-chang­ing nature of the enter­tain­ment indus­try and the impor­tance of main­tain­ing com­mer­cial success.

Jen­nifer Lopez, whose past Las Vegas res­i­den­cy at Cae­sars Palace was a tri­umph, now faces the chal­lenge of reviv­ing her star pow­er to secure the lucra­tive deal that was once on the table.

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  1. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck: Are They Working Through Marital Issues? - scandalsmag
  2. Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck: Marriage Tested by Lifestyle Clashes - scandalsmag

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