Timberlake Pleads Guilty to Driving While Alcohol Impaired
The 43-year-old âSexyÂBackâ singer pleadÂed guilty to a lessÂer charge of driÂving while alcoÂhol impaired in Sag HarÂbor VilÂlage JusÂtice Court on FriÂday morning.
He avoidÂed the more seriÂous charge of driÂving while under the influence.
Sentenced to Community Service
JusÂtice Carl Irace senÂtenced TimÂberÂlake to comÂmuÂniÂty serÂvice and required him to issue a pubÂlic stateÂment, which the pop star was set to read out shortÂly after the court proceedings.
Prosecutors Deny Special Treatment
SufÂfolk CounÂty DisÂtrict AttorÂney Ray TierÂney insistÂed that TimÂberÂlake was not receivÂing speÂcial treatÂment, notÂing that the plea deal offered is stanÂdard in simÂiÂlar cases.
Incident Details
TimÂberÂlake was pulled over in the earÂly hours of June 18 after he allegedÂly blew through a stop sign and was swervÂing out of his lane. He then allegedÂly refused three times to take a BreathÂaÂlyzÂer test.
Timberlakeâs Statement
The singer is expectÂed to issue a pubÂlic stateÂment as part of his senÂtence, addressÂing the inciÂdent and the legal outcome.
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