Justin Timberlake’s DWI Arrest Reveals Shocking Details

Justin Timberlake's DWI Arrest Reveals Shocking Details
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Timberlake Failed Sobriety Tests

Accord­ing to the police report, the singer reeked of alco­hol and was “unable to fol­low police instruc­tions cor­rect­ly” when he was pulled over under sus­pi­cion of drunk dri­ving in the Hamp­tons in June. 

Tim­ber­lake, 43, refused to take a breath­a­lyz­er test, and his attor­ney had pre­vi­ous­ly claimed he was not intox­i­cat­ed at the time of his arrest.

Personal Items Seized

The police doc­u­ments reveal that dur­ing the arrest, offi­cers con­fis­cat­ed a Rolex watch, a black vape pen, a gold ring, and a wal­let con­tain­ing $306 in cash from Timberlake. 

The report states that Tim­ber­lake was alone in the car and was observed to have “[b]loodshot and glassy eyes, odor of alco­holic bev­er­age ema­nat­ing from breath.”

Failing Sobriety Tests

The report shows that Tim­ber­lake failed a series of sobri­ety tests, includ­ing the walk-and-turn test, the one-leg stand test, and the pre­screen breath­a­lyz­er, which he refused to take. 

The offi­cer not­ed that Tim­ber­lake was “very unbal­anced” and “unable to fol­low instruc­tions cor­rect­ly” dur­ing the tests.

Refusal to Take Chemical Test

At the police sta­tion, Tim­ber­lak­er refused to take a chem­i­cal breath test, writ­ing “No, I’m not doing a chem­i­cal test” on the report.

He was then read his Miran­da rights and told the offi­cer that he under­stood them and did not want to speak with­out an attorney.

Suspended Driving Privileges

Dur­ing a vir­tu­al court appear­ance last Fri­day, Tim­ber­lake was re-arraigned on the DWI charge, and Judge Carl Irace sus­pend­ed his dri­ving priv­i­leges in New York, cit­ing his refusal to take a breath test dur­ing his arrest.

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  1. Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charge, Avoids DWI In Hamptons Case - Scandalsmag

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