Justin Timberlake’s License Suspended After Sag Harbor DWI Arrest

Justin Timberlake's License Suspended After Sag Harbor DWI Arrest
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License Suspended

Justin Tim­ber­lake’s dri­ver’s license was sus­pend­ed on Fri­day dur­ing a hear­ing for his DWI case in Sag Har­bor Vil­lage Jus­tice Court. The 43-year-old pop singer plead­ed not guilty to a revised DWI charge.

Refusal to Take Breathalyzer

The license sus­pen­sion was due to Tim­ber­lake’s refusal to take a breath­a­lyz­er test when he was pulled over near the Amer­i­can Hotel on June 18.

Virtual Appearance

Tim­ber­lake appeared vir­tu­al­ly for the pro­ceed­ings from Antwerp, Bel­gium, where he is cur­rent­ly on his “For­get Tomor­row” world tour. He looked somber as he observed the hear­ing via video conference.

Judge’s Reprimand

Dur­ing the hear­ing, Jus­tice Carl Irace rep­ri­mand­ed Tim­ber­lake’s attor­ney, Edward Burke Jr., for “irre­spon­si­ble” com­ments he had made in a pre­vi­ous hear­ing. The judge warned that Burke’s com­ments “come off as an attempt to poi­son the case before it even begins.”

Next Steps

The next con­fer­ence in the case was set for Aug. 9, which Tim­ber­lake will not be required to attend. How­ev­er, he may need to appear at a hear­ing sched­uled for Sept. 13, when he is expect­ed to be back in the US fol­low­ing the Euro­pean leg of his tour.

Initial Claims and Defense Tactics

Tim­ber­lake had ini­tial­ly claimed that he had just “one mar­ti­ni” after the inci­dent. How­ev­er, his attor­ney insist­ed that his client was “not intox­i­cat­ed” at the time. The defense had also moved to dis­miss the charges on the grounds that the ini­tial charge doc­u­ments were not prop­er­ly signed, but the judge reject­ed this argument.

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  1. Justin Timberlake's DWI Arrest Reveals Shocking Details - scandalsmag

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