Kanye West Leaves Bianca Censori’s Friends ‘Terrified’ for Her Safety After Controversial Rapper’s Trump Rally Stop

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Concerns for Censori’s Safety Raised

Bian­ca Cen­sori’s friends have been left deeply con­cerned for her safe­ty after her hus­band Kanye West chose to make an impromp­tu stop at a demon­stra­tion in sup­port of Don­ald Trump over the weekend.

The divi­sive rap­per, 47, and the archi­tec­tur­al design­er, 29, left onlook­ers stunned on Sat­ur­day when they stopped to speak with fans of the for­mer pres­i­dent at a gath­er­ing in Bev­er­ly Hills, California.

Censori’s Beliefs Seen as Incompatible with Trump Supporters

While West — who now goes by Ye — looked hap­py to speak with the sup­port­ers from the win­dow of his Tes­la Cyber­struck, Cen­sori appeared far less ani­mat­ed and kept her gaze focused on her hus­band through­out the interaction. 

Insid­ers have told Dai­ly­Mail that their brief appear­ance at the demo has ‘ter­ri­fied’ friends of the Aus­tralian beau­ty who believe it is fur­ther proof that the Cen­sori they once knew has been ‘lost.’

Concerns Over Censori’s Influence and Safety

“Bian­ca was not onboard with the idea of stop­ping at the Trump ral­ly,” the source explained. “She is clear­ly not a con­ser­v­a­tive woman. 

Her overt dis­play of sex­u­al­i­ty and the fact that she believes a woman should be able to do what­ev­er she wants with her own body isn’t exact­ly on board with Repub­li­can beliefs.”

The insid­er high­light­ed how Cen­sori’s free­dom of expres­sion when it comes to her dress sense and her behav­ior in pub­lic could prove con­tro­ver­sial for Trump supporters.

Fears Censori is Being Influenced by West’s Beliefs

The source stat­ed: “For the most part, Trump’s sup­port­ers, and some Repub­li­cans, believe that it is okay for a man to decide what a woman should do, how she should behave, her role in the fam­i­ly, what she should and should­n’t wear and how she should and should­n’t act. 

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