Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s Steamy PDA at 2024 MTV VMAs

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom's Steamy PDA at 2024 MTV VMAs
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Katy Per­ry and her fiancé Orlan­do Bloom could­n’t keep their hands off each oth­er at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards, shar­ing a pas­sion­ate kiss on stage after he pre­sent­ed her with the pres­ti­gious Video Van­guard Award.

Orlando Bloom’s Loving Tribute to Fiancée Katy Perry

The 47-year-old actor paid a sweet trib­ute to his “lov­ing and irre­sistible” fiancée dur­ing his speech intro­duc­ing Katy to accept the award, which hon­ors her “out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tions and pro­found impact” on music videos.

“You fell in love with her as Katy Per­ry. I feel in love with her as Kath­eryn Hud­son. You know her as a glob­al super­star who brings love, light and her unique sense of humour to every song she writes and music video she cre­ates,” Orlan­do gushed.

Katy Perry’s X‑Rated Remark About Her Relationship

Fol­low­ing her per­for­mance, Katy slid down the stage to meet Orlan­do, and the cou­ple shared an amorous kiss. Katy then thanked her fiancé, adding anoth­er cheeky remark about their sex life: “Thank you to Orlan­do for keep­ing me ground­ed, cel­e­brat­ed and doing the dishes.”

The remark ref­er­enced Katy’s pre­vi­ous com­ments about reward­ing Orlan­do with sex­u­al favors for com­plet­ing house­hold chores, which she had dis­cussed in a recent pod­cast interview.

Katy and Orlando’s Racy Red Carpet Display

Ear­li­er in the evening, Katy and Orlan­do put on a racy dis­play on the red car­pet, sweet­ly hold­ing hands and puck­er­ing up for a kiss. Katy looked incred­i­ble in a shred­ded white ensem­ble that showed off her toned abs, while Orlan­do com­ple­ment­ed her in a clas­sic black suit.

The cou­ple’s pub­lic dis­play of affec­tion came just days after Orlan­do was spot­ted appear­ing to sneak a glance at Kim Kar­dashi­an’s famous back­side at a char­i­ty gala, which Katy has since brushed off, say­ing she “approves” of the moment.

Katy’s Video Van­guard Award win caps off her impres­sive career, with the pop star now join­ing the ranks of leg­endary artists like Madon­na, Bey­on­cé, and Jen­nifer Lopez who have received the honor.

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