Katy Perry Under Investigation for Unauthorized Filming on Protected Sand Dunes

Katy Perry Under Investigation for Unauthorized Filming on Protected Sand Dunes
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Pop star Katy Per­ry is under inves­ti­ga­tion by the Span­ish gov­ern­ment for report­ed­ly film­ing scenes for her music video “Life­times” on pro­tect­ed sand dunes with­out permission.

Allegations of Damaging Ecological Sensitive Areas

The video, which was pri­mar­i­ly shot on the islands of Ibiza and For­mentera, is believed to have includ­ed scenes filmed on the unin­hab­it­ed isle of S’Espalmador. 

This area is part of the Ses Salines de Ibiza and For­mentera nat­ur­al park and home to a high­ly pro­tect­ed dune system.

The envi­ron­men­tal depart­ment of the Balearic Islands claims that the pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny behind the video, WeOwn­TheCity, did not secure the nec­es­sary per­mis­sions to film at this location. 

Offi­cials are now look­ing into poten­tial dam­age done to the eco­log­i­cal­ly sen­si­tive sand dunes, which are roped off to pro­tect them.

Potential Violations and Consequences

While film­ing com­mer­cial videos and pho­tographs on the dunes can be per­mit­ted upon request, the author­i­ties state that WeOwn­TheCity did not obtain the required approvals. 

The 1.8‑mile stretch of S’Es­pal­mador has been part of the pro­tect­ed nat­ur­al park since 1980 and is con­sid­ered an area of “great eco­log­i­cal value.”

The inves­ti­ga­tion is the lat­est set­back for Katy Per­ry, whose come­back attempts with recent sin­gles “Wom­an’s World” and “Life­times” have faced sig­nif­i­cant backlash. 

The pop star has not yet addressed the alle­ga­tions regard­ing the unau­tho­rized film­ing on the pro­tect­ed sand dunes.

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