Machine Gun Kelly Credits Daughter Casie for Inspiring to Stop Using Drug

Machine Gun Kelly Credits Daughter Casie for Inspiring to Stop Using Drug
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Daughter’s Intervention Breaks His Heart

In a can­did inter­view, Machine Gun Kel­ly, also known as Col­son Bak­er, revealed that his deci­sion to stop using drugs came after his 15-year-old daugh­ter Casie con­front­ed him about his sub­stance abuse. 

The 34-year-old musician/actor shared that when Casie, around the age of 11 or 12, told him she could tell when he was high, it “broke [his] heart” and became a piv­otal moment in his jour­ney to sobriety.

Overcoming the Grip of Addiction

Kel­ly acknowl­edged that it took him “a while after­ward” to make the nec­es­sary life changes to adapt to a sober lifestyle, as “obvi­ous­ly drugs have a vice grip on you.” 

The Rap Dev­il artist described Casie’s con­fronta­tion as “step one” for him, adding, “As a father and as a man, to be the father I wish my dad would have been, I have to break this gen­er­a­tional curse for my kid.”

Celebrating a Year of Sobriety

Ear­li­er this month, Kel­ly spoke about cel­e­brat­ing a year of sobri­ety while appear­ing on the pod­cast Dumb Blonde with Bun­nie XO. The Bad Things per­former shared that fol­low­ing a stint in rehab, he has been “com­plete­ly sober from every­thing,” includ­ing abstain­ing from alco­hol since last August. 

He revealed that he decid­ed to go to rehab after con­clud­ing his tour in Europe last year, keep­ing the deci­sion pri­vate from all but his inner circle.

Seeking Professional Support

In the pod­cast appear­ance, Kel­ly detailed his inter­ac­tions with men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als dur­ing his reha­bil­i­ta­tion process, stat­ing, “I met with a lot of psy­chi­a­trists, some who gave up on me and many ther­a­pists who did the same.” 

How­ev­er, he even­tu­al­ly found an “aware­ness of what [his] con­di­tion is and have made peace with it,” acknowl­edg­ing that main­tain­ing sobri­ety is a “con­stant tightrope walk.”

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