Miley Cyrus’ Alleged Stalker Arrested Again for Violating Restraining Order

Miley Cyrus' Alleged Stalker Arrested Again for Violating Restraining Order
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Miley Cyrus’ alleged stalk­er, 52-year-old Alexan­der Kardalian, has been arrest­ed once again for vio­lat­ing a restrain­ing order. Kardalian was detained by Cyrus’ secu­ri­ty after show­ing up at her Los Ange­les home with a stuffed animal.

This lat­est inci­dent is part of a pat­tern of con­cern­ing behav­ior by Kardalian. In Sep­tem­ber 2023, a court grant­ed Cyrus a restrain­ing order against Kardalian just days after his release from prison. Accord­ing to Cyrus’ legal fil­ings, Kardalian had been fix­at­ed on her since 2018. 

He alleged­ly showed up at her house short­ly after his release, sent her unwant­ed sex­u­al­ly-charged let­ters, and repeat­ed­ly request­ed mon­ey. Kardalian’s behav­ior esca­lat­ed in sum­mer 2022 when he appeared unin­vit­ed at Cyrus’ res­i­dence twice, prompt­ing secu­ri­ty intervention.

Fear­ing for her safe­ty and the safe­ty of her fam­i­ly, Cyrus sought legal pro­tec­tion. Despite the restrain­ing order, Kardalian reap­peared at her home on Thurs­day night. Cyrus’ secu­ri­ty rec­og­nized and detained him until police arrived. Kardalian nev­er entered the main house and Cyrus was not home at the time.

The LAPD’s Threat Man­age­ment unit is inves­ti­gat­ing the case. Kardalian was booked for mis­de­meanor vio­la­tion of a court order. This arrest high­lights the ongo­ing strug­gle Cyrus faces with Kardalian, whose obses­sion with the singer has caused sig­nif­i­cant concern.

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