ClothÂing giant AdiÂdas has cut ties with rapÂper Kanye West, sayÂing it âdoes not tolÂerÂate anti-SemiÂtism or hate speech of any kind.â
WestÂâs colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion with AdiÂdasâ Yeezy brand was revisÂitÂed after he unveiled his âWhite Lives MatÂterâ tâshirt design at Paris FashÂion Week.
A few days latÂer, the rapÂper postÂed an anti-SemitÂic comÂment on his TwitÂter account.
AdiÂdas has announced that his prodÂucts will be disÂconÂtinÂued with immeÂdiÂate effect.
The sportsÂwear brand has preÂviÂousÂly said that the colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion between the Yeezy brand and Ye is one of the most sucÂcessÂful in the comÂpaÂnyâs history.
The sevÂerÂing of the partÂnerÂship means AdiÂdas will post a net profÂit of ÂŁ217m in 2022 as a result.
Ye preÂviÂousÂly accused AdiÂdas of stealÂing his designs in a now-deletÂed InstaÂgram post.
âAdiÂdas does not tolÂerÂate anti-SemiÂtism or othÂer hate speech,â AdiÂdas said in a stateÂment TuesÂday. Yeâs recent stateÂments and actions are unacÂceptÂable, hateÂful, danÂgerÂous, and conÂtrary to our valÂues ââof diverÂsiÂty and incluÂsion, mutuÂal respect and fairness.â
InstaÂgram and TwitÂter susÂpendÂed Yeâs account for sevÂerÂal days folÂlowÂing his anti-SemitÂic remarks. His busiÂness partÂners have also come under presÂsure, with JP MorÂgan in bankÂing and Gap in clothÂing announcÂing in OctoÂber that they would end ties with Ye.
Ye accused Gap of not folÂlowÂing the terms of the deal, includÂing not openÂing a standÂalone store for its fashÂion brand Yeezy.
AdiÂdas reviewed their relaÂtionÂship after Ye showed them the White Lives MatÂters Tâshirt, but the comÂpaÂny didÂnât say the colÂlecÂtion was the reaÂson for the review.
AccordÂing to the BBC, Ye decidÂed to review the partÂnerÂship after being accused of âstealÂing the designâ and ârepeatÂedÂly tryÂing to resolve it personallyâ.
The term âBlack Lives MatÂterâ, a term used to describe oppoÂsiÂtion to racism and police bruÂtalÂiÂty, became popÂuÂlar after the sumÂmer of 2020 in MinÂneapoÂlis, where police offiÂcers killed an unarmed black man, George Floyd. .
LuxÂuÂry fashÂion brand BalenÂciÂaÂga and talÂent scoutÂing firm CreÂative Artists Agency also cut ties with the rapÂper in earÂly October.
Film and teleÂviÂsion proÂducÂtion comÂpaÂny MRC announced MonÂday that it will no longer air its recentÂly comÂpletÂed docÂuÂmenÂtary about the rapper.
âKanyeâ is a music proÂducÂer and samÂpler. Last week, he samÂpled and remixed a clasÂsic that has been on the charts for over 3,000 years. The lie that the Jews are evil and conÂspirÂing to rule the world for their own benÂeÂfitâ As the leader of this comÂpaÂny (JewÂish, MusÂlim, ChrisÂtÂian), I feel obligÂatÂed to inform everyÂone of this vicious and horÂriÂfyÂing use of false logÂic,â the MRC wrote on Monday.
AdiÂdas stock fell 8% after the announceÂment, but has since slowed down.
In its latÂest earnÂings foreÂcast released in OctoÂber, AdiÂdas warned that a weakÂer busiÂness in ChiÂna and weak conÂsumer demand in key marÂkets in Europe and the UnitÂed States would weigh on its 2022 earnÂings foreÂcast. The comÂpaÂny also announced in August that curÂrent presÂiÂdent Kasper Rorsted would be leavÂing the comÂpaÂny in 2023, and is lookÂing for a new CEO.
A spokesperÂson for CamÂpaign Against Anti-SemiÂtism said, âAdiÂdas has finalÂly teamed up with othÂer brands and agenÂcies to cut ties with Ye.â None of this would have hapÂpened withÂout the nearÂly 175,000 sigÂnaÂtures and the celebriÂties and influÂencers on both sides of the Atlantic and around the world who helped proÂmote and ampliÂfy the message. â
The rapÂper has also fallÂen down the list of Forbes bilÂlionÂaires. The magÂaÂzine estiÂmates that losÂing the affilÂiÂaÂtion with AdiÂdas reduced Yeâs net worth from $1.5 bilÂlion to $400 million.
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