Rihanna Stuns in Body-Positive Carnival Costume with Majestic Wings

Rihanna Stuns in Body-Positive Carnival Costume with Majestic Wings
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Rihanna Celebrates Body Positivity in Carnival Costume Comeback

Rihan­na made a grand return to the Crop Over Car­ni­val in Bar­ba­dos, show­cas­ing a siz­zling winged cos­tume that cel­e­brat­ed her curves. 

Rihanna in a carnival costume with wings

The 36-year-old songstress put on a majes­tic dis­play, with an eye-catch­ing out­fit cov­ered in long, col­or­ful feath­ers that fanned out majes­ti­cal­ly from her fit frame.

Body Positivity in the Spotlight

singer Rihanna shines with a wing costume at carnival

The reveal­ing out­fit high­light­ed Rihan­na’s promi­nent bust and trim midriff, as she flew the flag for body positivity. 

Just weeks ear­li­er, the mom-of-two had joked about giv­ing up on her “six-pack” sum­mer weight loss goal, embrac­ing her nat­ur­al beauty.

A Regal Carnival Appearance

Rihanna displaying her backside during Barbados carnival

Rihan­na cre­at­ed a regal appear­ance with her long, dra­mat­ic pheas­ant feath­ers, which gave her a par­tic­u­lar­ly wide wingspan. 

The cos­tume’s hal­ter look wrapped around her neck and draped across her breasts, leav­ing ample space to high­light her cleavage.

Accessorizing for the Occasion

The con­nect­ed cos­tume fea­tured two rows of stones whip­ping across Rihan­na’s midriff, cul­mi­nat­ing in ultra high-cut bottoms. 

Sea­horse-like strands of dark stones were arrayed in arc­ing pat­terns along her legs and thighs, and she com­plet­ed the look with a set of open-toe heels adorned with gold vines and leaves.

Unexpected Security Presence

In a sur­pris­ing move, Rihan­na was flanked by armed sol­diers hold­ing large assault rifles as she stepped out to join the car­ni­val crowds. 

The pres­ence of the mil­i­tary per­son­nel, dressed in dark cam­ou­flage uni­forms, was like­ly a nec­es­sary pre­cau­tion giv­en the large gatherings.

A Family Celebration

Rihan­na’s car­ni­val appear­ance came just days after her son Riot Rose cel­e­brat­ed his first birthday. 

The dot­ing mom had opt­ed to keep the birth­day cel­e­bra­tions pri­vate, though her part­ner A$AP Rocky shared adorable pho­tos of their lit­tle one on social media.

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