Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Alleged Hamptons Sex Parties with ‘Gay Rappers’

Sean 'Diddy' Combs' Alleged Hamptons Sex Parties with 'Gay Rappers'
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Shocking Allegations

Accord­ing to a recent exclu­sive report, music mogul Sean “Did­dy” Combs is fac­ing fed­er­al sex crime charges, includ­ing alle­ga­tions of sex traf­fick­ing and “freak off” par­ties at his for­mer Hamp­tons mansion. 

A drug deal­er who claims to have wit­nessed the events described shock­ing scenes of high-pro­file rap­pers engag­ing in sex­u­al acts with one anoth­er while under the influ­ence of sub­stances like ket­a­mine and GHB.

Lavish Parties Turned Debaucherous

Combs’ Hamp­tons estate was pre­vi­ous­ly known for host­ing his annu­al celebri­ty-stud­ded “White Par­ties,” which attract­ed a who’s who of Hol­ly­wood elites. 

How­ev­er, the source alleges that on oth­er occa­sions, the lav­ish par­ties turned into debauched “freak off” events, where Combs alleged­ly “arranged, direct­ed, mas­tur­bat­ed dur­ing, and often elec­tron­i­cal­ly record­ed” the sex­u­al activ­i­ties of the attendees.

Allegations of Coercion and Abuse

Accord­ing to the fed­er­al indict­ment, Combs alleged­ly wield­ed con­trol over his vic­tims through “phys­i­cal vio­lence, promis­es of career oppor­tu­ni­ties, grant­i­ng and threat­en­ing to with­hold finan­cial sup­port, and by oth­er coer­cive means” — includ­ing sup­ply­ing them with con­trolled substances.

Sev­er­al indi­vid­u­als have come for­ward with accu­sa­tions of sex­u­al mis­con­duct against Combs, includ­ing his for­mer pro­tégé Cassie Ven­tu­ra, who set­tled a law­suit against him out of court.

Combs Denies Wrongdoing

Combs has plead­ed not guilty to the charges against him and his lawyers have repeat­ed­ly denied all alle­ga­tions. How­ev­er, he has been ordered to be held in jail with­out bail as he awaits tri­al on the fed­er­al sex crime charges.

This explo­sive exposé sheds light on the alleged dark under­bel­ly of Sean “Did­dy” Combs’ lav­ish lifestyle and the shock­ing claims at the cen­ter of the ongo­ing fed­er­al investigation.

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