Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Difficult Fertility Journey and Plans for Motherhood

Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Difficult Fertility Journey and Plans for Motherhood
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Selena Gomez Reveals Her Medical Struggles

Sele­na Gomez revealed in a new inter­view that she faces seri­ous med­ical issues that impact her abil­i­ty to car­ry a child. The singer told Van­i­ty Fair about receiv­ing the dif­fi­cult news and learn­ing to accept this new real­i­ty in her life.

Grieving the Inability to Get Pregnant Naturally

In the inter­view, Gomez shared: “I unfor­tu­nate­ly can’t car­ry my own chil­dren, I have a lot of med­ical issues that would make preg­nan­cy a huge risk for my life.” She fur­ther opened up about need­ing to “grieve” this inabil­i­ty, say­ing it was some­thing she grap­pled with for a long peri­od of time.

Surrogacy and Adoption are Options

While her path to moth­er­hood will “look dif­fer­ent”, Gomez remains com­mit­ted to becom­ing a mom one day. She said sur­ro­ga­cy and adop­tion are both pos­si­bil­i­ties for her future. The star empha­sized that through these options, any child would still be “mine” and part of her family.

Focused on Her Future as a Mother

Even before meet­ing her cur­rent part­ner Ben­ny Blan­co, Gomez had iden­ti­fied fam­i­ly as a top pri­or­i­ty. At 32, she looks for­ward to start­ing her own while con­tin­u­ing her career in entertainment.

Though her jour­ney brings unique chal­lenges, Gomez appears deter­mined to ful­fill her dream of motherhood.

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