In a harÂrowÂing new legal claim, Aaron Carterâs two-year old son PrinceÂton alleges that reckÂless docÂtors and pharÂmaÂcies are to blame for the singerâs drownÂing death.
AccordÂing to PrinceÂtonâs lawÂsuit, medÂical proÂfesÂsionÂals careÂlessÂly preÂscribed danÂgerÂous drugs like hydrocodone and oxyÂcodone that stripped the trouÂbled 34-year-old of sound judgment.
The comÂplaint asserts that Aaronâs providers neglectÂed his transÂparÂent menÂtal issues and conÂtinÂuÂalÂly stocked him with harmÂful opiÂoids despite the clear risk. Even WalÂgreens comes under fire for allegedÂly not flagÂging the disÂturbÂing quanÂtiÂties or quesÂtionÂing the treatÂment plan givÂen Aaronâs psyÂchiÂatric past.
The young boy now seeks damÂages through his mothÂer Melanie, insistÂing meds not medÂical need doomed his father. TragÂiÂcalÂly found subÂmerged in his bathÂtub last NovemÂber, Aaronâs offiÂcial autopÂsy revealed a lethal cockÂtail of Xanax and huffÂing gasÂes in his system.
But this case sugÂgests othÂers crimÂiÂnalÂly conÂtributed to the demise of the forÂmer child star batÂtling well-known addicÂtion demons for decades in the spotlight.
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