Travis Scott Arrested in Paris After Altercation with Bodyguard

Travis Scott Arrested in Paris After Altercation with Bodyguard
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Amer­i­can rap­per Travis Scott, whose real name is Jacques Bermon Web­ster, was arrest­ed in the cen­ter of Paris ear­ly this morn­ing after an alter­ca­tion with his own body­guard, accord­ing to local media reports.

Travis Scott’s Paris Arrest

The inci­dent is said to have occurred around 5 am, just steps away from the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es. Police were called to the George V Hotel in the city’s 8th arrondisse­ment due to “acts of vio­lence against a receptionist.” 

Accord­ing to a police source, the rap­per was intox­i­cat­ed at the time of the confrontation.

Scott is cur­rent­ly in Paris for the Olympic Games and was notably seen on Thurs­day evening, August 8, attend­ing the men’s bas­ket­ball semi-final between Ser­bia and the Unit­ed States.

Scott’s Previous Legal Troubles

This is not the first time Scott has had a run-in with the law. In June 2024, he was arrest­ed in Mia­mi for a “dis­tur­bance on a yacht.” Cops inter­ro­gat­ed him about whether he’d been drink­ing, to which he replied, “It’s Miami.”

In 2021, Scott was at the cen­ter of the dead­ly “Astroworld” fes­ti­val tragedy, where 10 peo­ple lost their lives and hun­dreds more were injured.

While he was not crim­i­nal­ly charged, Scott and the fes­ti­val’s orga­niz­ers faced numer­ous civ­il lawsuits.

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