Usher’s Twitter Mayhem Following Diddy’s Arrest: Fans Demand Answers

Usher's Twitter Mayhem Following Diddy's Arrest: Fans Demand Answers
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Fans have been left baf­fled and sus­pi­cious after Ush­er claimed his Twit­ter account had been ‘hacked’ fol­low­ing the arrest of his for­mer friend and col­lab­o­ra­tor, Did­dy.

Diddy’s Arrest and Allegations

The rap­per, whose real name is Sean Combs, was arrest­ed at the Park Hyatt hotel in Man­hat­tan, New York on Sep­tem­ber 16. Combs was charged with rack­e­teer­ing and sex traf­fick­ing by force, fraud or coer­cion — alle­ga­tions he has denied.

Usher’s Twitter Activity and Fans’ Suspicions

On Sun­day (22 Sep­tem­ber), tweets from Ush­er, who has pre­vi­ous­ly had a close rela­tion­ship with Did­dy, were delet­ed. Every­thing from his media, posts, and replies were removed from the social media app, with just a few high­lights remain­ing. How­ev­er, two of those seemed to be of cryp­tocur­ren­cy scams seem­ing­ly post­ed by a hacker.

Ush­er lat­er regained access to his Twit­ter account and wrote, “Account got hacked and damn y’all ran with it! See you tonight at Intu­it Dome.”

Fans are now sus­pi­cious about Ush­er’s social media activ­i­ty, with one per­son com­ment­ing, “So crazy how it got hacked…but instead of post­ing crazy stuff, the hack­er just DELETED your posts and Did­dy just got arrest­ed. Soooooo weird we all ‘ran with it’. Right bro?”

Usher and Diddy’s History

Ush­er and Did­dy lived togeth­er in New York when the for­mer was 13 years old in the 1990s. Ush­er has pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed that he went to see Did­dy’s “lifestyle” and wit­nessed “very curi­ous things” that he did­n’t ful­ly under­stand at the time.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Ush­er and fel­low singer Ne-Yo were named as wit­ness­es to Did­dy’s phys­i­cal abuse of singer Cas­san­dra Ven­tu­ra in a lawsuit.

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