Woman Alleges Diddy Raped Her on Video in Latest Lawsuit

Woman Alleges Diddy Raped Her on Video in Latest Lawsuit
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Allegations of Rape and Forced Recording

In a new fed­er­al law­suit filed in New York, a woman named Thalia Graves alleges that in the sum­mer of 2001, when she was 25 years old, Did­dy and his secu­ri­ty chief Joseph Sher­man lured her to the Bad Boy Record­ing Stu­dios. Graves claims she was drugged, bound, and then raped by the two men, who also record­ed the incident.

Ongoing Legal Troubles for Combs

This law­suit comes just a week after Combs was arrest­ed and a fed­er­al sex traf­fick­ing indict­ment against him was unsealed. Graves is the lat­est in a series of women to come for­ward with sim­i­lar alle­ga­tions against the music producer.

Emotional Toll and Threats of Retaliation

Graves says she has suf­fered from “flash­backs, night­mares and intru­sive thoughts” in the years since the alleged assault. The law­suit also claims that Did­dy and Sher­man threat­ened her with reper­cus­sions if she told any­one about the incident.

Seeking Justice and Accountability

The law­suit was filed under the New York City Vic­tims of Gen­der-Moti­vat­ed Vio­lence Pro­tec­tion Act, which allows sex­u­al assault vic­tims to sue over abuse that might oth­er­wise be too old to pursue. 

Graves is seek­ing dam­ages and the destruc­tion of any record­ings of the alleged incident.

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