NBA Tried to Silence Player But Ends Up Fueling Viral Marketing Campaign

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The NBA’s attempt to cen­sor a play­er pro­mot­ing an unof­fi­cial spon­sor back­fired in spec­tac­u­lar fash­ion. Dur­ing a post-game press con­fer­ence, LA Lak­ers guard D’An­ge­lo Rus­sell defied the league by repeat­ed­ly name-drop­ping “Coco5”, a sports drink brand he endors­es, despite warn­ings from officials.

Rus­sell took the podi­um after the Lak­ers’ win Sun­day and promi­nent­ly dis­played a Coco5 drink. When asked about it by a reporter, Rus­sell proud­ly pro­claimed it was “my part­ner” and dared the NBA to “fine me.” Offi­cials hasti­ly removed the drink from view but the dam­age was done.

Even after the press­er end­ed, Rus­sell con­tin­ued chant­i­ng “Coco5” to ensure max­i­mum expo­sure. Video of the rebel­lious act has since gone viral, rack­ing up over 580,000 views and mil­lions of impres­sions. The brand, owned by Loop Cap­i­tal Mar­kets founder James Reynolds, is thrilled with the sud­den suc­cess of its “best pro­mo­tion in history.”

The NBA’s cen­sor­ship efforts spec­tac­u­lar­ly back­fired. In try­ing to con­trol and lim­it play­ers’ spon­sor deals, the league turned an ordi­nary post-game inter­view into a mar­ket­ing phe­nom­e­non and pub­lic rela­tions win for Coco5. Rus­sell, who scored 17 points in the Lak­ers’ win, and fel­low Coco5 endorsers like Devin Book­er and Der­rick Rose have ben­e­fit­ed from the surge in buzz and brand visibility.

The NBA has yet to announce whether Rus­sell will actu­al­ly face a fine for his defi­ant pro­mo­tion­al tac­tics. But after this PR fias­co, the league may think twice before try­ing to silence play­ers and their part­ners again.

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