A petition for Will Smith and Jada Pinkett to stop talking on media about their sex life has been signed by thousands of People.

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Over the years, we have learned many inti­mate details about Will Smith and Jada Pin­kett Smith’s mar­riage. It some­times feels like there is very lit­tle that we don’t know about the rela­tion­ship between the two stars. They did­n’t hes­i­tate to talk about the ups and downs of their mar­riage, from their dis­agree­ments to a noto­ri­ous case of infi­deli­ty. They are so open, some fans would pre­fer them to stop reveal­ing inti­mate details about their relationship.

In a recent inter­view, Will Smith revealed that he showed his grand­moth­er the sex scenes of his then girl­friend, Jada. While this rev­e­la­tion is less sur­pris­ing than oth­ers, it is the lat­est in a long line of inter­est­ing and unin­ter­est­ing anec­dotes that they have shared with their fans over the years. And some con­sid­er that they are now in excess. These peo­ple are so fed up with their ten­den­cy to give us explic­it details about their mar­riage that they have decid­ed to cre­ate a peti­tion to stop the media from inter­view­ing the celebri­ty couple.

Close to 19,000 signatures

While the cre­ator of the peti­tion did­n’t cite a spe­cif­ic inter­view or moment that brought him to his break­ing point, it’s clear he’s not com­plete­ly alone in this sen­ti­ment. At the time of writ­ing, it was approach­ing 19,000 signatures.

It may have some­thing to do with Will Smith’s recent media appear­ances pro­mot­ing his new film, King Richard, and his mem­oir, Will. The lat­ter gave Smith the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share untold sto­ries about his life, some of which may shock fans. While many anec­dotes about his life aren’t about his rela­tion­ship with his wife, he did share in anoth­er inter­view that he and his wife are “not monogamous.”

This recent devel­op­ment fol­lows the wide­ly cov­ered rev­e­la­tion last year that Jada Pin­kett Smith was “involved” with August Alsi­na sev­er­al years ago. We also know that their reluc­tance to con­form to the idea of ​​tra­di­tion­al mar­riage has led the cou­ple to see each oth­er as “life part­ners” rather than a mar­ried couple.

If one of the pil­lars of celebri­ty pop­u­lar­i­ty is allow­ing fans to take an inter­est in their pri­va­cy, it is clear that some think they know too much about the cou­ple’s life. Since they are both com­fort­able being open, it seems unlike­ly that they will stop con­fid­ing any­time soon. In oth­er words, this peti­tion is unlike­ly to result in any real change in the world

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