A vibrant young life was cut tragÂiÂcalÂly short in LowÂell, MassÂaÂchuÂsetts. Just hours before her midÂdle school gradÂuÂaÂtion cerÂeÂmoÂny, 15-year-old Ahliana DickÂey was found dead in her home from gunÂshot wounds.
The MidÂdleÂsex CounÂty DisÂtrict AttorÂneyâs Office conÂfirmed the devÂasÂtatÂing news. Ahlianaâs famÂiÂly reportÂed her missÂing when she didÂnât attend gradÂuÂaÂtion, leadÂing them to disÂcovÂer her body at home around 6:10 pm on Friday.
AuthorÂiÂties learned Ahliana had been involved in an abuÂsive relaÂtionÂship with 21-year-old Trevor Bady. PriÂor to the shootÂing, neighÂbors reportÂed a heatÂed alterÂcaÂtion between a man and woman, with the woman pleadÂing to be left alone, folÂlowed by gunshots.
SurÂveilÂlance footage capÂtured Ahliana callÂing for help shortÂly before midÂnight and a male susÂpect leavÂing her resÂiÂdence. An Uber linked Bady to the crime scene before and after the murÂder. He was arrestÂed in Peabody two days latÂer and charged with murÂder, home invaÂsion, and unlawÂful firearm possession.
Ahlianaâs father expressed his grief on social media, highÂlightÂing the unimagÂinÂable pain of losÂing a child. A GoFundMe page to supÂport the famÂiÂly has surÂpassed its iniÂtial goal.
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