3‑Year-Old Tragically Killed in Random Stabbing Attack at Ohio Grocery Store (North Olmsted)

3-Year-Old Tragically Killed in Random Stabbing Attack at Ohio Grocery Store (North Olmsted)
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This press release details the heart­break­ing death of a 3‑year-old boy in a ran­dom stab­bing attack at a gro­cery store park­ing lot in North Olm­st­ed, Ohio. The inci­dent occurred on Mon­day after­noon at the Giant Eagle store, locat­ed rough­ly 15 miles out­side of Cleveland.

The young vic­tim, whose iden­ti­ty remains undis­closed, was report­ed­ly stabbed mul­ti­ple times. His moth­er, Mar­got Wood, also sus­tained stab wounds but is expect­ed to recover.

North Olm­st­ed May­or Nicole Dai­ley Jones expressed her deep­est con­do­lences to the vic­tims’ fam­i­lies in a pub­lic statement.

The sus­pect, Bion­ca Ellis (32), was appre­hend­ed by author­i­ties short­ly after the attack. Inves­ti­ga­tors have con­firmed that Ellis and the vic­tims were not acquaint­ed, sug­gest­ing a ran­dom and unpro­voked assault.

Ellis is fac­ing charges of aggra­vat­ed mur­der for her alleged involve­ment in this hor­rif­ic crime. The North Olm­st­ed com­mu­ni­ty is grap­pling with the dev­as­tat­ing loss of the inno­cent child and the sense­less act of violence.

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