Accused Murdererâs Violent Criminal History
Jonathan D. Hagley, 26, is accused of fatalÂly shootÂing his twin sisÂter NaoÂmi Hagley at their famÂiÂly home in TeaÂneck, New Jersey.
Cops say Hagley used a Glock 30S handÂgun with a scratched-off serÂiÂal numÂber to comÂmit the murder.
Prior Shooting Incident in Harlem
ShockÂingÂly, Hagley was out on bail at the time of the alleged murÂder, after being charged for a preÂviÂous shootÂing inciÂdent in Harlem in January.
AuthorÂiÂties say he shot a bystander in the spine durÂing a runÂning gun batÂtle in ManÂhatÂtan, but was released on $100,000 cash bail or $300,000 bond.
Tragic Killing of Twin Sister
Just eight months latÂer, Hagleyâs twin sisÂter NaoÂmi allegedÂly became his next victim.
When police arrived at the famÂiÂly home, they found NaoÂmi with three gunÂshot wounds, and the twinsâ father said the shots came from Hagleyâs gun.
Ongoing Concerns About Bail Reform
Hagleyâs case highÂlights the ongoÂing debate around bail reform, as critÂics argue that releasÂing vioÂlent offendÂers on bail puts the pubÂlic at risk.
The tragedy also underÂscores the need for stricter meaÂsures to preÂvent repeat offendÂers from comÂmitÂting furÂther crimes.
As the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion conÂtinÂues, prosÂeÂcuÂtors are seekÂing to hold Hagley withÂout bail until the conÂcluÂsion of his triÂal for his sisÂterâs murder.
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