Accused Murderer Out on Bail for Prior Shooting Before Killing Twin Sister

Accused Murderer Out on Bail for Prior Shooting Before Killing Twin Sister
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Accused Murderer’s Violent Criminal History

Jonathan D. Hagley, 26, is accused of fatal­ly shoot­ing his twin sis­ter Nao­mi Hagley at their fam­i­ly home in Tea­neck, New Jersey. 

Cops say Hagley used a Glock 30S hand­gun with a scratched-off ser­i­al num­ber to com­mit the murder.

Prior Shooting Incident in Harlem

Shock­ing­ly, Hagley was out on bail at the time of the alleged mur­der, after being charged for a pre­vi­ous shoot­ing inci­dent in Harlem in January. 

Author­i­ties say he shot a bystander in the spine dur­ing a run­ning gun bat­tle in Man­hat­tan, but was released on $100,000 cash bail or $300,000 bond.

Tragic Killing of Twin Sister

Just eight months lat­er, Hagley’s twin sis­ter Nao­mi alleged­ly became his next victim. 

When police arrived at the fam­i­ly home, they found Nao­mi with three gun­shot wounds, and the twins’ father said the shots came from Hagley’s gun.

Ongoing Concerns About Bail Reform

Hagley’s case high­lights the ongo­ing debate around bail reform, as crit­ics argue that releas­ing vio­lent offend­ers on bail puts the pub­lic at risk.

The tragedy also under­scores the need for stricter mea­sures to pre­vent repeat offend­ers from com­mit­ting fur­ther crimes.

As the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, pros­e­cu­tors are seek­ing to hold Hagley with­out bail until the con­clu­sion of his tri­al for his sis­ter’s murder.

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