William Bryan, a 70-year-old man from MusÂcle Shoals, AlabaÂma, tragÂiÂcalÂly died on the operÂatÂing table at a FloriÂda hosÂpiÂtal after the surÂgeon perÂformÂing his rouÂtine spleen surgery misÂtakÂenÂly removed his livÂer instead.
Doctor Removes Wrong Organ, Causes Immediate Death
AccordÂing to the law firm repÂreÂsentÂing Bryanâs widÂow, the genÂerÂal surÂgeon, Dr. Thomas ShaÂknovsky, tranÂsectÂed the major blood vesÂsels supÂplyÂing Bryanâs livÂer durÂing the operÂaÂtion, leadÂing to âimmeÂdiÂate and catÂaÂstrophÂic blood loss resultÂing in death.â After removÂing the wrong organ, ShaÂknovsky then attemptÂed to pass it off as an âenlarged spleen.â
Doctorâs History of Surgical Mistakes
This was not the first time ShaÂknovsky had been involved in a major surÂgiÂcal error. The law firm claims the docÂtor had a preÂviÂous âwrong-site surgeryâ in 2023, where he allegedÂly removed a porÂtion of a patienÂtâs panÂcreas instead of the intendÂed adrenÂal gland. That case was setÂtled confidentially.
Hospitalâs Response and Patient Safety Concerns
In response to the inciÂdent, the AscenÂsion Sacred Heart EmerÂald Coast HosÂpiÂtal, where the surgery took place, statÂed they were conÂductÂing a âthorÂough invesÂtiÂgaÂtionâ into Bryanâs death.
HowÂevÂer, the hosÂpiÂtal refused to proÂvide furÂther details, citÂing patient priÂvaÂcy. The North WalÂton DocÂtorâs HosÂpiÂtal also reportÂedÂly âdisÂasÂsoÂciÂatÂedâ itself from ShaÂknovsky, removÂing all refÂerÂences to the docÂtor from its website.
Widowâs Pursuit of Justice
Bryanâs widÂow, BevÂerÂly, has retained the law firm to seek jusÂtice for her husÂbandâs death. She expressed her desire to ensure ShaÂknovsky no longer treats othÂer patients, statÂing, âMy husÂband died while helpÂless on the operÂatÂing room table by Dr. ShaÂknovsky. I donât want anyÂone else to die due to his incompetence.â
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