LoretÂta Carr, a woman from AlabaÂma, is facÂing the death penalÂty for allegedÂly murÂderÂing anothÂer woman by pushÂing her off a cliff in 2021.
Carr, aged 44, has been charged with capÂiÂtal murÂder along with her daughÂter Jessie KelÂly, aged 22. They are accused of killing 38-year-old Mary Isbell of HartÂselle, AlabaÂma on OctoÂber 18, 2021 by pushÂing her from a cliff.
AuthorÂiÂties had been searchÂing for IsbelÂlâs body for over a year before her remains were finalÂly disÂcovÂered in June 2023. It came to light that Carr had shared a phoÂto of herÂself at the murÂder locaÂtion â a cliff at LitÂtle RivÂer Canyon NationÂal PreÂserve â back in JanÂuÂary 2019.
ProsÂeÂcuÂtors in AlabaÂma have now filed docÂuÂments informÂing CarÂrâs defense team that they will seek the death penalÂty against her. Carr and KelÂly have been detained since three days before IsbelÂlâs remains were found by search teams.
Not much is known about the relaÂtionÂship between Carr, KelÂly and the vicÂtim Isbell. DeKalb CounÂty SherÂiff Nick Welden thanked varÂiÂous law enforceÂment agenÂcies and volÂunÂteers who assistÂed in the lengthy search and investigation.
Carr insists there is no eviÂdence against her, but prosÂeÂcuÂtors believe they have a strong case and will purÂsue the harshÂest punÂishÂment if she is conÂvictÂed â the death penalÂty. KelÂly was arrestÂed in PennÂsylÂvaÂnia and extraÂditÂed to AlabaÂma to also face murÂder charges.
The timeÂline of events in IsbelÂlâs disÂapÂpearÂance remains unclear. She was last seen in SepÂtemÂber 2021 but not offiÂcialÂly reportÂed missÂing until JanÂuÂary 2022. Her ex-husÂband raised conÂcerns about her whereÂabouts on social media in DecemÂber 2021.
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