Shocking Airline Ban for Lesbian Passenger
A 24-year-old woman, Erin Wright, was left stunned after being banned for life from AmerÂiÂcan AirÂlines over a shockÂing reason.
Wright, who idenÂtiÂfies as a lesÂbian, claimed that the airÂline informed her she was blackÂlistÂed for âhavÂing sexÂuÂal relaÂtions with a man on a flight while intoxicated.â
Denied Boarding and Forced to Rebook
Wright said she was attemptÂing to check in for a flight to New Orleans in June when a gate agent informed her that she was banned from the airline.
Despite her protests, the agent refused to proÂvide any furÂther details, leavÂing Wright conÂfused and frustrated.
Persistent Quest for Answers
DeterÂmined to get to the botÂtom of the sitÂuÂaÂtion, Wright reached out to AmerÂiÂcan AirÂlines cusÂtomer serÂvice, but they also declined to disÂclose the reaÂson for her ban.
It wasÂnât until weeks latÂer, after numerÂous emails and her mothÂerâs interÂvenÂtion, that Wright finalÂly received an explaÂnaÂtion from the airÂlineâs corÂpoÂrate secuÂriÂty team.
Lesbian Identity Questioned
In her TikÂTok video recountÂing the expeÂriÂence, Wright expressed her disÂbeÂlief at the airÂlineâs accuÂsaÂtion, statÂing, âI am a 24-year-old lesbian.
You see me. Am I havÂing sexÂuÂal relaÂtions with any man? No.â
Refund and Removal from No-Fly List
After a lengthy process, Wright was able to get the $400 she had already spent on the AmerÂiÂcan AirÂlines tickÂet refundÂed, and the airÂline evenÂtuÂalÂly removed her from the no-fly list three months later.
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