Apalachee High School Shooting Suspect’s Furious Family Issues Chilling Threat After 14-Year-Old is Charged as an Adult

Apalachee High School Shooting Suspect's Furious Family Issues Chilling Threat After 14-Year-Old is Charged as an Adult
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The fam­i­ly of Geor­gia school shoot­er Colt Gray, 14, threat­ened to go ‘full throt­tle’ after the teenag­er was charged as an adult for mur­der­ing four peo­ple on Wednesday.

Suspect’s Family Defends and Threatens

Gray’s rel­a­tives leapt to his defense with­in hours of him open­ing fire at Apalachee High School, where he alleged­ly killed four peo­ple and injured nine others.

The teenager’s aunt, Annie Pol­hamus Brown, took to Face­book dur­ing the after­math, bring­ing up the issues he ‘dealt with’ and say­ing she ‘will take care of my nephew and what he needs on this side.’

“Just check your­self before you speak about a child that nev­er asked to deal with the bull**** he saw on a dai­ly basis,” she said in the posts, which have now been delet­ed. “Y’all ready to see Pol­hamus blood in full throt­tle? Nah, I would­n’t either.”

Tragic Details of the Shooting

Author­i­ties say they are still inves­ti­gat­ing how Gray was able to bring an AR-style weapon inside his school, with footage of the after­math appear­ing to show the weapon on the floor as ter­ri­fied stu­dents were escort­ed down hall­ways to safety.

At least 13 peo­ple were shot in the chaos, includ­ing two stu­dents and two teach­ers killed. The vic­tims were iden­ti­fied as teach­ers Christi­na Irim­ie and Richard Aspin­wall, and stu­dents Mason Scher­mer­horn and Chris­t­ian Angu­lo, both 14.

Suspect’s Troubling Behavior Revealed

A junior at the school, Lyela Sayarath, said she was sat next to Colt Gray in alge­bra class just min­utes before he began the shoot­ing spree. 

She said Gray “nev­er real­ly talked, he was­n’t (in school) most times, he would just skip class… Even when he would have talked, it was one word answers.”

Sayarath said she “was­n’t sur­prised” when Gray was iden­ti­fied as the shoot­er, and said that “when you think of shoot­ers and the way they act, it’s usu­al­ly the qui­et kid and he was the one that fit that description.”

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