Applebee’s Customer Arrested for Trying to Share ‘All You Can Eat’ Order

Applebee's Customer Arrested for Trying to Share 'All You Can Eat' Order
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Disorderly Conduct and Arrest

Shawnee­sha Cobbs, 28, was din­ing at an Apple­bee’s in Portage, Indi­ana, on August 2nd when she and her group attempt­ed to extend an “all you can eat” deal to the entire table. 

This led to a heat­ed argu­ment with the restau­rant man­ag­er and ulti­mate­ly result­ed in Cobbs’ arrest for dis­or­der­ly conduct.

Misunderstanding Over ‘All You Can Eat’ Deal

Accord­ing to the police report, Cobbs and her group, which includ­ed two oth­er adults and sev­er­al juve­niles, ordered one “all you can eat” spe­cial to share. 

How­ev­er, the Apple­bee’s man­ag­er informed them that every per­son would have to pay for one serv­ing of the deal, which includ­ed end­less bone­less wings, riblets, dou­ble crunch shrimp, and fries for $15.99.

The group argued that the menu did not spec­i­fy the deal was “per per­son,” but when police exam­ined the menu, they noticed the “per per­son” fine print in bold let­ters under the “all you can eat” heading.

Escalating Tensions and Arrest

As police tried to calm the sit­u­a­tion, Cobbs became “very loud and dis­or­der­ly, attract­ing the atten­tion of oth­er patrons.” 

Anoth­er mem­ber of her group attempt­ed to qui­et her down, but was unsuc­cess­ful. After mul­ti­ple warn­ings, Cobbs was arrest­ed and trans­port­ed to Porter Coun­ty Jail.

When one of the group mem­bers lat­er real­ized they had been mis­tak­en about the terms of the “all you can eat” deal, they returned to the restau­rant and paid the bill in full.

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