Argentina-Spain Tension Rises After President Criticizes PM

Argentina-Spain Tension Rises After President Criticizes PM
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Ten­sions between Argenti­na and Spain have increased after com­ments by Argenti­na’s Pres­i­dent Javier Milei. He crit­i­cized Spain’s Prime Min­is­ter Pedro Sánchez while in Madrid last weekend.

As a result, Spain has recalled its ambas­sador in Buenos Aires. For­eign Min­is­ter José Manuel Albares said “the sit­u­a­tion has not changed” after Milei refused to apologize.

The inci­dent began at a ral­ly by Spain’s right-wing Vox par­ty. Milei slammed Sánchez’s left­ist gov­ern­ment and called his wife “cor­rupt.” Sánchez demand­ed Milei pub­licly apologize.

But Milei dis­missed the request. He claimed Sánchez was over­re­act­ing and it was “diplo­mat­ic non­sense.” Argenti­na will not recall its own ambas­sador either.

Milei’s divi­sive style and crit­i­cism of oth­er gov­ern­ments have become com­mon. He leads Argenti­na as its first promi­nent lib­er­al leader in decades.

How­ev­er, Spain accus­es Milei of med­dling in its inter­nal affairs. It says his attacks posed a dan­ger to democ­ra­cy and coex­is­tence. Respect between nations is impor­tant to pre­vent ten­sions, Spain added.

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