Shocking Allegations Against Arizona Mom
Nubia GonÂzaÂlez, a mothÂer of four chilÂdren in the ScottsÂdale school disÂtrict, stands accused of a horÂriÂfyÂing offense â stealÂing more than $35,000 from the CocoÂpah AssoÂciÂaÂtion of ParÂents and TeachÂers (APT).
GonÂzaÂlez had been electÂed as the treaÂsurÂer of the APT in April, a posiÂtion she allegedÂly used to her advantage.
Police say she began withÂdrawÂing funds soon after takÂing on the role, and the account was left empÂty when the APT presÂiÂdent returned from a trip on July 2.
Disappearance and Deception
The shockÂing part of this stoÂry is that GonÂzaÂlez has since vanÂished, shutÂting down her phones and social media accounts. InvesÂtiÂgaÂtors found that she had used fraudÂuÂlent docÂuÂments and a fake home address to gain access to the bank accounts, makÂing it difÂfiÂcult to track her down.
âIt was a false address she gave, not only to the police departÂment, [ScottsÂdale UniÂfied School DisÂtrict], everyÂone,â ScottsÂdale Police Sgt. AlliÂson SempÂsis told Fox 19. âSo we donât know where they were livÂing at this point.â
Community Outrage and Concern
ParÂents, school employÂees, and police offiÂcials have all tried to conÂtact GonÂzaÂlez, but her phones are no longer in serÂvice. The comÂmuÂniÂty is now left with the burÂden of replacÂing the sigÂnifÂiÂcant sum of monÂey that was stolen, and they are worÂried about the impact on their chilÂdrenâs education.
âI have a finance backÂground and accountÂing backÂground, and it blows my mind that thereâs someÂbody who would do this, knowÂing they were takÂing these types of funds away from chilÂdren,â said RebecÂca RyerÂson, a conÂcerned parent.
AnothÂer mothÂer, Tanya Roberts, called GonÂzaÂlezâs alleged actions âdevÂasÂtatÂing.â The school disÂtrict has assured the comÂmuÂniÂty that this inciÂdent does not reflect the valÂues and integriÂty of their volÂunÂteers and partÂners, and they hope it will not deter the comÂmuÂniÂty from conÂtinÂuÂing to supÂport their chilÂdrenâs education.
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