Arizona Mom Vanishes After Accused of Stealing Thousands from Children’s School

Arizona Mom Vanishes After Accused of Stealing Thousands from Children's School
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Shocking Allegations Against Arizona Mom

Nubia Gon­za­lez, a moth­er of four chil­dren in the Scotts­dale school dis­trict, stands accused of a hor­ri­fy­ing offense — steal­ing more than $35,000 from the Coco­pah Asso­ci­a­tion of Par­ents and Teach­ers (APT).

Gon­za­lez had been elect­ed as the trea­sur­er of the APT in April, a posi­tion she alleged­ly used to her advantage.

Police say she began with­draw­ing funds soon after tak­ing on the role, and the account was left emp­ty when the APT pres­i­dent returned from a trip on July 2.

Disappearance and Deception

The shock­ing part of this sto­ry is that Gon­za­lez has since van­ished, shut­ting down her phones and social media accounts. Inves­ti­ga­tors found that she had used fraud­u­lent doc­u­ments and a fake home address to gain access to the bank accounts, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to track her down.

“It was a false address she gave, not only to the police depart­ment, [Scotts­dale Uni­fied School Dis­trict], every­one,” Scotts­dale Police Sgt. Alli­son Semp­sis told Fox 19. “So we don’t know where they were liv­ing at this point.”

Community Outrage and Concern

Par­ents, school employ­ees, and police offi­cials have all tried to con­tact Gon­za­lez, but her phones are no longer in ser­vice. The com­mu­ni­ty is now left with the bur­den of replac­ing the sig­nif­i­cant sum of mon­ey that was stolen, and they are wor­ried about the impact on their chil­dren’s education.

“I have a finance back­ground and account­ing back­ground, and it blows my mind that there’s some­body who would do this, know­ing they were tak­ing these types of funds away from chil­dren,” said Rebec­ca Ryer­son, a con­cerned parent.

Anoth­er moth­er, Tanya Roberts, called Gon­za­lez’s alleged actions “dev­as­tat­ing.” The school dis­trict has assured the com­mu­ni­ty that this inci­dent does not reflect the val­ues and integri­ty of their vol­un­teers and part­ners, and they hope it will not deter the com­mu­ni­ty from con­tin­u­ing to sup­port their chil­dren’s education.

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