Arizona Teacher Decapitated by Son Hours Before Her Birthday Party

Arizona Teacher Decapitated by Son Hours Before Her Birthday Party
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A Horrific Betrayal

On Sep­tem­ber 27th, 2024, the life of Tere­sa DeJe­sus Cruz Rubio, a “beloved” Ari­zona teacher, was bru­tal­ly tak­en by the one per­son she trust­ed the most — her own son, Ale­jan­dro David Gonzalez.

Gruesome Discovery by Loving Family

Cruz Rubio, a 49-year-old teacher at South­west Key Pro­grams, had been in con­tact with her sis­ter through­out the day, con­firm­ing she would attend a fam­i­ly gath­er­ing — unaware that it was actu­al­ly a sur­prise birth­day par­ty. How­ev­er, when the vic­tim nev­er showed up, her con­cerned rel­a­tives went to her Glen­dale apart­ment, only to make a hor­ri­fy­ing discovery.

Cruz Rubio’s head­less body was found inside the apart­ment she shared with her 25-year-old son, Ale­jan­dro Gon­za­lez. The fam­i­ly had to call a lock­smith to gain access to the home, where they uncov­ered a “very grue­some, bloody scene.”

Allegations Against the Felon Son

Author­i­ties report­ed that Cruz Rubio had picked up her son from jail just 24 hours ear­li­er, after he had served anoth­er felony sen­tence. Gon­za­lez is accused of steal­ing his moth­er’s bur­gundy GMC Yukon SUV and flee­ing the area after the bru­tal murder.

Gon­za­lez admit­ted to police that he had stabbed his moth­er and then decap­i­tat­ed her. He also claimed that a sec­ond sus­pect, a Black man he had been using metham­phet­a­mines with, was involved in the crime. How­ev­er, police have not found any evi­dence to sup­port this claim, and the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongoing.

Heartbreak and Trauma for the Community

“It’s absolute­ly hor­rif­ic,” said Glen­dale Police Sgt. Bryan Hoskin. “It’s hor­rif­ic to the fam­i­ly who had to endure this, it’s hor­rif­ic to the offi­cers who had to go and see this.”

The Glen­dale Police Media Rela­tions Man­ag­er, Jose San­ti­a­go, empha­sized the need to appre­hend Gon­za­lez quick­ly, stat­ing, “When you have sit­u­a­tions like this, all our offi­cers get involved, try and get this per­son off the street as quick­ly as they can, and because the last thing they want is to see anoth­er fam­i­ly victimized.”

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