Arizona Teen’s Tragic Final Words Revealed in Chilling 911 Call After Intruder Attack

Arizona Teen's Tragic Final Words Revealed in Chilling 911 Call After Intruder Attack
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Tragic 911 Call Unveils Arizona Teen’s Final Moments

The final words of a teen who was shot dead in her Ari­zona apart­ment two years ago have been released — as her par­ents dou­ble down on their mis­sion to find her killer.

Rachel Hansen was 19 years old and engaged to be mar­ried when the sus­pect broke into her home and gunned her down in the ear­ly hours of June 4, 2022.

Now, her final words have been released in a redact­ed police tran­script giv­en to Ari­zona Fam­i­ly as part of an effort to bring the case back into the spot­light and track down the gunman.

Victim’s Desperate Pleas for Help

‘I’ve been shot. Some­one broke in and shot me,’ Rachel told a 911 dis­patch­er while bleed­ing out from a sin­gle bul­let wound dur­ing her final moments.

‘Please hur­ry, please hur­ry,’ she said. ‘I’m bleed­ing, I’m bleeding.’

A dis­patch­er urged Rachel to stay on the line, adding: ‘Do you have any kind of clean cloth there that you can apply pres­sure to it? Is there any­body there with you?’

The teenag­er replied that she was alone and the gun­man had left.

Family’s Unwavering Search for Justice

Rachel’s dev­as­tat­ed par­ents, Todd and Kim Hansen, have launched a fundrais­er to take mat­ters into their own hands and hire a pri­vate investigator.

‘Rachel did not deserve what hap­pened to her, and her fam­i­ly and friends now feel help­less with lim­it­ed options,’ the fundrais­er reads.

The Gilbert Police Depart­ment said the case remains a top pri­or­i­ty, but the fam­i­ly is grow­ing increas­ing­ly frus­trat­ed by the lack of progress.

‘It’s just as if it just hap­pened as if it was yes­ter­day,’ Rachel’s moth­er, Kim Hansen, added. ‘Real­ly it’s kind of unbe­liev­able because I feel like two years have gone by and we should have some­thing, and we have nothing.’

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