Bear Attacks Hotel Worker in Late Night Kitchen Rampage

Bear Attacks Hotel Worker in Late Night Kitchen Rampage
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Ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing, a des­per­ate bear charged into the kitchen of the lux­u­ri­ous St. Reg­is Aspen Resort, inflict­ing injuries on an unsus­pect­ing secu­ri­ty guard in a sav­age attack.

The furi­ous ani­mal burst through the hotel doors near the court­yard short­ly after mid­night, set­ting its sights on the food-filled kitchen. As the brave guard patrolled for signs of dan­ger, he round­ed a cor­ner and came face to face with the rag­ing beast. 

With no time to react, the guard took the full force of the bear’s wrath, feel­ing its mighty claws rake across his back as it bar­reled him to the ground. Bleed­ing but alive, the injured work­er man­aged to sum­mon help through his cracked cell phone. 

Wildlife offi­cers rushed to the five-star resort, begin­ning a haz­ardous hunt for the food-obsessed bru­in through the Aspen streets. With the aggres­sive ani­mal still on the loose, locals live in fear of anoth­er encounter with the crazed crea­ture. Offi­cers vow to find and stop the threat before it strikes again under the loom­ing shad­ows of the Elk Mountains.

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